The Walk

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▪️This is an old short story I wrote on Amino Apps.

• This story contains swearing and mild gore.

Please read at your own risk!


Minute 31, Day 1

I've been travelling for 30 minutes in this cold void and I do not know why.

I woke up, standing in the middle of nowhere, a flat plain with no horizon to be seen. I don't know who I am and I have no memories of anyone I knew before I came here.

At first, I was clueless on what I should do but then I laid my eyes upon a shining star in the far end of the horizon. It was faint but noticeable since there were no other stars in the sky except for that one.

The moment I laid my eyes upon it, I felt the Earth crumble behind me, when I looked back, the floor began to crack and sink into the Earth and it was going towards me very slowly.

I had no choice, if I didn't want to be taken by the crumbling ground, I had to move forward.

At first I simply ran at any direction to get away from the slow crumbling floor behind me.
If I got too far, the Earth would crack and sink in front of me and I had to change directions. This happened a couple of times until I realized I was being railroaded and directed towards the shining star.

This all took 10 minutes till I realized my goal, I had to reach the star to save myself from falling.

For the next five minutes I ran as fast as I could till I couldn't see the crumbling ground behind me and soon enough, I couldn't see it anymore.

The rest of the 15 minutes had me simply walking. They were long and boring yet I felt tense because of the crumbling ground that could catch up to me. I could not see it behind me but I knew if that I would stop walking, it would catch up.

Hour 2, Minute 12, Day 1

I wasn't making any progress towards the star, I figured that if two hours would have passed then I would have reached it by now...

How far is the star anyways?

It's strange that I don't feel hungry nor thristy yet I can feel a slight strain in my legs. How can I feel tired if I don't need to eat food?

It contradicts logic.

Hour 6, Minute 26, Day 1

I decided to stop for several minutes to rest my legs then doing some squats and stretching them. The moment I heard a faint crumble, I started to run again. I use to be afraid of a lot of things but that crumbling sound was beginning to trump every other fear. The last thing I wanted was to fall so I ran again for several minutes till I couldnt hear it anymore then began walking normally.

The star hasn't even gotten brighter in these last 6 hours, I might be walking for days on end...

Hour 15, Minute 43, day 1

Almost has been a day now. I forgot to mention that I don't really know how I can keep track of time like this but I can, it's my head for some reason and I'm simply using it for the best of my abilities.

Every now and then, I take a small break to rest my feet until I start walking again. If I keep at it like this, I think I won't be in pain and eventually will reach the star without the crumbling floor catching me.

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