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"What's going on?" I asked

"You have an active warrant for your arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense." The officer spoke to Dave as he cuffed him.

"Baby, get my phone and call my brother." Those were the only words he spoke before he got put in the back of the police car.

The officer came back and began to look around in the house.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Ma'am, we have a warrant." The other officer held up a piece of paper.

I sat in at the kitchen counter while they looked through the house. Nearly an hour later they were finished.

"All clear, house is clean." The officer spoke into his radio.

I watched as they drove off and I quickly called Clarence. He picked up on the second ring.

"Wassup bro."

"Dave was arrested."


"Yes." A tear rolled down my face. "They said he had a warrant but why?"

"Let me call Dom. I'ma call you right back." The call ended

I sat in the living room, looking at nothing in particular. I grew impatient as the time passed. It was nearing 30 minutes and Clarence hadn't called back yet. I was about to call him back but I heard talking outside. I peeped out the window and Dom was walking up the driveway on his phone.

"Wassup Kim." Dom nodded as he stepped in the house and walked to the basement. He came back seconds later. "I'ma go see what's going on, don't stress yourself. He'll be ok." He pulled me into a hug.


I sat in the holding cell with my head against the wall. Someone yelling caught my attention and I looked out the window of the room. Dom was arguing with an officer then they walked this way.

"You have five minutes." The officer spat as he opened the door.

"Yo you good?" He asked

"Nigga, do I look good?" I straight faced him. "The fuck is going on?"

He sighed. "Look, feds ran up in the spot about 20 minutes before they picked you up. Not much was there cause we had been moving but they trying to get you with trafficking charges." He shook his head. "It's not gon stick though. You know I got you."

"Bro. My daughter is about to come. I can't be in here." I stressed. "And I damn sure don't need this shit to stress Kim out right now."

"You know I got you bro." Dom repeated himself. "You'll be in and out. No worries." He stood up and left out the room.

I returned to my previous spot against the wall. That was a weight off my shoulders. Now its just a waiting game.


I laid on the living room couch watching tv. My phone rung and I grabbed it quickly. It was Dave. I accepted the charges and the call connected.

"Wassup baby." His voice came through the phone

"Are you ok?"

"I'm good." He laughed. "Don't worry about me. Are you ok though?"

"No." My voice cracked

He sighed. "Don't cry. I'ma be ok. You know I hate it when you cry."

"They can't keep you can they?" I asked

"Well, right now I don't have a bond set so I have to stay. I won't know anything until Monday so I'll call you back."

"No. I'll be there Monday."

"I don't want you up here."

"I don't care. I'm coming up there."

You have 30 seconds remaining

"I love you baby and I'll be out soon."

"I love you too." The call ended

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked at my phone.

"Aww pooh. You crying again?" Ari came over and hugged me. "He's gonna be ok. Don't worry."

"But what if he's not. I'm damn near 9 months pregnant and I can't do this by myself."

"Trust me, Dave is smart and he knows how to maneuver through shit. And worst case scenario, if he does get time, you always got me, Shea, Queen, Cardi and Maci." Ari wiped my face. "You'll never have to do it alone."

I sighed and forced a smile. "Thank you for being here."

"It's no problem. You know I got you."

"I'ma go lay down upstairs and try to take a nap. I have a headache."

I pulled myself up off the couch and headed upstairs. I didn't want to worry about David so much because whatever stresses me, will stress the baby but how could I not? I understand the business that he does but after everything that's happened, it's not even worth it anymore.

Harlem Nights | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now