Chapter 13: Unexpected Newcomers

Start from the beginning

Turlandb: We'll kick their asses.

Jen: Yeah! Those evil jackals are outnumbered!

SB123 Mario: Guys!

Infinite: Huh?

Crystalonetta: SB123 Mario? What's wrong?

SB123 Meggy: Someone is coming!

Infinite: Uh oh. Sounds like trouble-

A laser went past the building you were in, and hit a group of Inklings, killing them instantly.

(Y/N): FUCK!

Meggy: Who did that?!

Dr. Eggman: That was me!

(Y/N): Wait a minute... Eggman...?

Infinite: The one from the Sonic The Hedgehog movie?!

Dr. Eggman: You are correct, canine. Now, feel the wrath of my robot army!

Red Inkling Boy: Get them, tin cans!

Red Inkling Girl: This is gonna be fun.

Egg-Pawns and Drones flew past the three villains, and started to fire their weapons at everyone.

Infinite: LOOK OUT!

Comet: Uhhh... CHAOS CONTROL!

Dr. Eggman: Wait, what-

Comet held the blue Chaos Emerald in the air, as everything suddenly stopped.

(Y/N): Comet...

Meggy: What did you just do...?

Comet: That actually worked... I was only joking around!

Infinite: Nice work, son! Now, I have an idea.

Crystalonetta: Oh?

Machito: What is it?

Infinite quickly turned all of the rockets and bullets back at the Egg-Pawns and Drones.

(Y/N): Ha, genius!

Crystalonetta: They'll never see it coming.

Meggy: Right on!

Machito: Alright Comet! Do your thing!

Comet held the blue Chaos Emerald in the air again, as everything went back to normal.

Red Inkling Boy: What the-

The rockets and bullets flew at the Egg-Pawns and Drones.

Dr. Eggman: AH!

The rockets exploded, while lots of Egg-Pawns got hit by the bullets.

Infinite: Haha, is that all you got?!

Red Inkling Girl: Ow... I think I got shot...!

Red Inkling Boy: Little sister! 

Dr. Eggman: No, but thank you for asking!

Silver Sonic appeared behind Infinite, and kicked him into a building.

(Y/N): Huh?! 

Meggy: What is that?!

Crystalonetta punched Silver Sonic, and started shocking the robot with her lightning powers.

Dr. Eggman: Don't even bother. He is immune to that!

Silver Sonic clawed at Crystalonetta's cheek, and slammed her on the ground.

Crystalonetta: Ow!

Meggy X Reader: EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now