Hunith has a visitor

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Author's note: Hi, I'm writing these every few days because I'm making them longer chapters :)
Arthur and the knights rushed into Ealdor. Arthur stopped and got off his horse to ask a stranger "which house belongs to Hunith?" He could still remember Merlin's mother's name, how could he forget, he knew how important she was to him.
"That one there." The stranger pointed at a small cottage just down the road.
Arthur nodded to the stranger and signalled to the knights to follow him.

Arthur knocked on the door and Hunith opened meekly.
"I'm sorry to disturb you miss, but are you Merlin's mother." Arthur asked.
"Yes, I am Hunith, come in sire." She replied.
Arthur followed the woman inside and sat at a wooden table as she set two steaming mugs down.
Hunith sat down opposite Arthur and he began to explain.
"As you know, Merlin lives in Camelot and works as my manservant. Recently I became aware of his magic and wished he would do something more than being just a servant. He refused. Anyway, something happened the other day and he ran away. I was just wondering if he had come here."
Hunith kept a straight face, "Yes Merlin did come by here, but he is here no longer. I know what happened,  Merlin told me everything, he was heartbroken and scared. He cares about you so much and you played him. You are a horrible and selfish man, Arthur Pendragon."
Arthur's face crumpled, he was trying not to cry, "You do realise I'm the King don't you, Hunith."
"Yes, but I'm Merlin's mother. You love the boy too much to hurt me." Hunith replied, looking almost smug, "now, go find him and take him home, I'll show you the path."
"Thank you." Arthur mumbled.

Merlin awoke and was greeted by the sound of bird song. He looked up and saw that it was around mid afternoon, he had been knocked out for a while. He came to and started to notice a horrific pain in his leg, and realised he had broken it.
Turns out he would have to sit and wait until someone, hopefully Arthur, would find him.

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