He's Not Fit To Rule

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Authors note: hey, this chapter is a lot longer and progresses in the story a lot more so I hope you enjoy! :)


Two days later, Merlin heard the words he desperately did not want to hear.
"He's not fit to rule" announced Leon.
Merlin's heart sank. Leon couldn't believe what he was saying, the little prince he trained, was so full of life, so happy and eager to fulfil his destiny but now is so heart-broken he can't.

Leon was to be in charge until they could find someone of a higher ranking to take the throne. Merlin couldn't have thought of a better person to stand in for Arthur.

Merlin and Gaius had to care for Arthur in every way. Wash him, dress him, feed him. It was tiring work and Merlin was glad of Gaius' help.
This went on for 3 weeks until Merlin couldn't stand it any more. Seeing the man he loved so crushed was killing him. Then he realised. He loved Arthur. More than anything in the whole world.

He realised what he had to do.

He rushed back to his chambers, past a startled Gwaine and surprised Gaius and flipped open his book of magic.
He flicked through until he found what he was looking for: a spell.
It was time to use magic again to save Arthur.
"i drwsio calon wedi torri" he read. To mend a broken heart. It was time, he would save Arthur and this time he would tell Arthur and finally get the credit he deserved.

He ran to Gaius and explained his plan as Gaius nodded with that same blank expression. "Off you go then" he said calmly.
Merlin was off and ready to save Arthur but there was something he had to do first.

He sprinted to Gwaine's chambers and knocked on the door.
"Come in!" A voice called.
Merlin pushed open the wooden door and saw Gwaine and Percival laying together on the bed.
"Merlin!" Gwaine said, "I'd hoped it'd be you, me and Percy have some news."
Merlin looked at the two on the bed with a knowing look.
Gwaine continued, "Me and Percival are no longer friends."
The bigger man slapped Gwaine on the arm, "that is the worst way to tell him we are together" replied Percival.
"I'm so happy for you two!" Merlin smiled for the first time in weeks, "anyway" he continued, "there is something I need to tell you guys."
"Shoot" Gwaine said as Percival nodded.
Merlin took a deep breath and let a tear drop down his cheek.
"I- I have magic" he blurted out.
Gwaine seemed unfazed but Percival's jaw dropped.
"I knew it!" Gwaine exclaimed "there was something about you Merlin, I knew it!"
Merlin gave him a small grin, "I am also the last of the dragon lords and I was the one who killed Mordred and I defeated the undead army."
This time Gwaine looked surprised.

"I can't believe it, all this time we've treated you like a servant and all the things you've done for Arthur and you've never sought any credit and never received any. I'm sorry" Percival said, tearfully.
Gwaine hugged him and said "I am sorry Merlin, are you going to tell Arthur?"
"Yes, once I've mended his broken heart" Merlin said with a brave and hopeful expression.
"Good man!" Percival cheered.
Merlin smiled and went to leave but turned back to the men as Gwaine said "it's time for magic to return to Camelot, Merlin, and I think you should be the face of the revolution."
Merlin smiled his brightest smile in a long while and ran to Arthur's chambers.

Long Live the Kings (a Merthur story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora