Ivy though stood completely still and smiled, as if enjoying the agony of everyone around her. Then however, she was knocked to the ground by the panicked masses. She hit her head on the floor, which suddenly brought her back into reality. Once she realized what had happened, what she had done, it came rushing onto her like she was struck by lightning. The unbearable pain and the graveness of her actions made her tingle first, then she felt sick beyond measure. She struggled to her feet and let the masses drag her to the exit, until she was finally free from the crowd, stumbling into the night. It didn't make her feel any better nor calmer, thus she stumbled on and on and on, until she reached a dark and tiny alleyway and let herself sink down in a dark corner, allowing her form to change back into herself once more. Her breathing was still hysterical and she gagged a couple times when no air could get to her lungs. Her chest, her heart, everything was in pain and she just felt too hot. Evey nerve of her body was on fire, yearning for release from this misery.

Meanwhile her mind jumped from place to place, thousand thoughts per second, but she wasn't able to grasp any of them. In a desperate attempt to calm herself down, she hugged her knees to her chest so tightly it hurt even more, rocking forward and backward. Her eyes were fixed on the opposite wall as she waited for this horrific moment to pass, hoping it was all only a bad dream. It wasn't like she didn't know what was happening to her body, she was merely unable to do anything about it once it had started. Nothing but waiting for it to pass.

That's why she indeed noticed steps coming closer to her, but she was just unable to care at the moment. Basically anyone could come and do whatever they pleased to her, she wouldn't be able to do much about it. She only sat there, staring wide eyed at the wall. Then she felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her small body and she was pulled closely against a rather cool chest. "It's alright..."

Loki... Ivy wasn't really able to smile nor cry at the realization, but she let herself fall against him and tried to control her breathing. In his embrace her body slowly stopped trembling and her breathing evened out after a while.

Of course Loki had been there, he had seen what had happened back at the bar and honestly he still hadn't fully processed it. He had never seen anything like this and he surely hadn't expected it. Just when he had been about to get to her, the masses had pulled him away. He had lost sight of her in the crowd and had started looking for her immediately, running through the streets until he finally found her heavily shaking and barely breathing in a dark alleyway. At least for now he ignored whether or not he was good for her, because right now she needed him and he would be there. So he held her small shaking form in his arms, hugging her tightly to his chest while they both waited for her to calm down once again.

He wanted to shout at her, for how stupid she was for coming here. For how utterly, completely stupid she was for running after him. And for how sorry he was for believing she wouldn't. But that could wait, until they were somewhere safe again. And until she was fine again.

"Loki..." Ivy breathed after what seemed like hours.

"I'm here." His voice was quiet, yet soothing and soft. "I'm not leaving you."

Her shivering had stopped and her breathing was back to normal, but she still clung onto him for dear life. "I hate you." She whispered.

"I know..." He said in the same sad voice. "I'm sorry."

"That doesn't nearly suffice. You are the single most stupid man to ever exist."

"I know."

"And I hate you."

"I know."

"Why did you just leave like that? I mean I know I have pushed you too far with the dancing and stuff, and you are basically free to do whatever, but you didn't have to run off without a word." Her voice didn't show anger, yet he could tell she was hurt by his actions.

"I thought it was the best I could do for both our sakes." He answered honestly.

"Well it was fucking stupid and if you ever do stupid shit like that again I will kick your ass off Asgard." She said and pulled away from him to look at his face. He smirked slightly at her harsh words, but otherwise he looked quite as shaken as she felt.

"I will not walk off without a word again..." He said with a sincere look on his face, helping Ivy up to her feet. "Ivy... what happened back there?"

Ivy sighed and looked at the ground in shame and sadness. "I don't want to talk about it."

"But... That was just incredible, I mean I have never seen anyone do anything like this!" Loki frowned, his voice a mix of astonishment and worry.

"Please, Loki... Just leave it be." Ivy begged and when she looked back at his face, her eyes were red and filled with tears. Loki nodded without another word and looked away, unable to bear the sadness the sight of her eyes inflicted in him.

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