Chapter 14 (2/2)

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I rose to my feet again and posed with my wings out, for Clare. She gasped out and I furrowed my scaly dragon brows.

Her excitement bored me.

Clare proceeded to take measurements of every part of my body. Even parts I didn't know I had. Claws, spikes, and horns. She made comments every once in a while that made me wonder, and commands that annoyed me, but the most interesting thing she said and did came last.

"We have to check her magnetism, I'm sure we'll find the answer there!" Clare exclaimed.

"But how would that be any different than the others? She's normal in every other way." Jason walked up with a cart in front of him, wires spilling out and trailing behind him.

"You don't understand the dynamic structure that's going on under the surface well enough yet. Trust me, the answer will be there," Clare replied. The both of them worked to spread out wires and attached them to me on various places on my body. Then they hooked it up to a machine.

"What if the answer isn't there though?" Jason questioned.

I noticed movement in the corner of the room and saw a figure that walked towards us.

"What are you implying?" Clare snapped.

"Well..." Jason began but by that time, Devini had walked the short distance from the closest door.

"We'll continue this later.." Clare warned under her breath at Jason and then walked up to meet Devini.

"So how is our newest Warrior holding up?" Devini stopped next to me and smiled. I glared at him, wires trailed from almost every part of my body and I could hardly move without disrupting one.

The first time I had actually gotten a good look at him, I again noticed how young he was to be a General. While still twice my own age, early 30s was far too young to hold such a rank. Today, he wore only a simple Dragon Warriors black uniform. His hair was brown and his face and somewhat tanned skin seemed familiar to me, but I couldn't quite place it.

"Hm, the quiet type isn't she?" He went on and turned around to look at Clare.

"Oh yes, she's been talking her scales off all day..." Clare mumbled.

"She might not know how to speak," Jason commented from by the machine the wires that were attached to me stemmed from.

"I know how to speak you foul cur," I spat in quick reply, not that he could hear me.

Devini turned and shook his head at me with a smirk.

"That's no way to speak to someone who has been nothing but kind to you." He shook a finger at me.

I recoiled from his reaction and blinked. I wanted to snarl and glare at him like all the rest in that room - but I felt a pulse from him I didn't feel from the others.

Like an invisible signal, I felt the rank of every Warrior I met. It radiated like a silent, sightless force. Not a single Warrior I had met yet proved to be worth noting. Except for him.

I hadn't noticed it the first time. I guess I was too lost in the moment when I first met him. The feeling around him was far different. He was powerful. He was an Alpha.

Was that why he had become a General so young?

I snorted to let out the steam that had build in my nerves and laid my head on the ground, the wires trailing after my neck.

"So what do your fancy magic machines tell you?" Devini asked Clare and turned away from me.

"They're not magic..." I heard Jason mumble out.

"Well, her electrostatic and auric field is something to-" Clare began but was stopped by a raised hand from Devini.

"Clare, you can write that on your report but I didn't come here to be lectured in science. Do you know why she is different?" Devini asked.

"Well, no but-" Clare began again and again was stopped.

"Do you still need her for anything?" He asked.

Clare glared at him with eyes like daggers.

"No, but-" she responded curtly but was again cut off.

"Right then, Jaya-" Devini began and I turned my attention to him, but this time it was Clare who cut him off.

"Sir!" She began and his head whipped around to watch her, eyes wide.

"As I was trying to say," she went on, " while her readings are quite splendid, and unusual, some of them we have seen before."

Her tone changed, I noticed how the room became silent and Devini continued to stare at her.

"I can see where you're going with this, and you're talking to the wrong person." Devini finally replied.

Clare narrowed her eyes and then snorted. "Fine, have fun out there." She snapped and turned on her heels to return to the machine Jason stood by.

Devini sighed deeply and then looked back at me. The confusion at their words was left to linger in my mind as his attention went to a different matter. But it wasn't lost on me.

What had they been talking about?

"Why don't you transform back into a human and we will be going," Devini said.

Jason walked to my side and began to pluck the wires from me.

"Going?" I questioned and he smiled at me.

"Yes, it's time to begin your real training," he replied.

Behind me, without a word or gesture, the Warriors all at the same time turned away and headed towards the door by the closest wall. My attention drifted back to Devini and without a word, I knew he had ordered them away, yet I hadn't heard it. How was that possible? Wasn't there only two types of telepathy?

Yet the question faded from my mind with the realization of his words.

Real training? Excitement rose in me and I stood, the last of the wires gone and Jason stepped away.

"Devini," I heard Clare call out again. Devini turned back to her.

"Just because I don't know what made her different, doesn't mean I don't know how she, or any dragon, is different. Come see me in my office when you're finished playing." Her words were slow and paced – I knew there was context behind them, but I pushed the questions away. Whatever they were actually talking about, I had bigger things to think about.

Devini looked away from Clare without a word and stared at the ground for a moment. Then his head turned back to me.

"Well?" He questioned and I reeled for a moment.

He had asked me to transform back, hadn't he?

How do I do that? 


Thank you for reading and I hope you are enjoying the story! If you are, please let me know through a vote or comment~ 

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