"So, what is the concerning part?" Lydia asked.

"The data was changed after that data was received," Ezi answered. "First, I thought that you changed the data, but now I believe it could be someone else."

"That can't be right," Faith said. "The only person that knew about the data was Piet."

"He was the first to assess the data," Lydia said, "even before me. It will be logical to assume that he would alter the data."

"It's logical," Faith said, "but it doesn't make any sense. Piet isn't that type of person. A person that will protect SINDRI at all cost. He isn't a kiss-ass. On the other hand, Simona is an ass kisser. She might have played a role in this."

"That I would have to agree with Faith," Lydia said. "But it doesn't fit the evidence."

"Why?" Faith asked. 

"Because," Lydia explained, "Simona wasn't unaware of the nature of the data and lacks the skill and knowledge to pull it off. So, we are back to Piet."

"Is there any history between Piet and Amulius?" Ezi asked.

Lydia caressed her forehead. "I don't believe so, but I will check his record again, but it won't do any good, because I can't cross reference it with Amulius because it's classified. But right now, no one should be trusted that isn't in this room." Lydia looked at Ezi. "I need you to secure the Svantevit's data and delete any copies that were made if any."

"You trust me with the original?" Ezi asked.

"Yes," Lydia answered. "I have very few options."

"I could secure it off-site," Ezi said.

"Good, I also need you to help me to update the ship systems," Lydia said.

"There is several tracking software in our ship's computers that must be disabled. I can't have SINDRI popping up on us."

"This could take some time," Ezi said.

"Time is a luxury we don't have," Lydia said.

"The crew is going to get suspicious," Faith said. "We can fly aimlessly in space. What do we tell them?"

"That is a very good question," Lydia said. "Vlad, plot a course for Uma."

"Uma?" Vlad questioned. "That could take us a while."

"How long?" Lydia asked.

"About ten hours," Vlad answered.

"Make it happen," Lydia said.

"It's your galaxy," Vlad said. "I just live in it."

Ezi and Lydia quickly worked on doing a complete overhaul of the ship system. They had to be swift and cautious at the same time. They didn't want to tip off to the other crew members were doing. They were able to locate several tracking software that was integrated into the ship system. Ezi might be right; humans were a very paranoid species. Faith, who wasn't technical incline, helped out as well.

Faith, with Ezi assistance, helped create to new encryption code combining rare drilli and shavili words and phrases. The process took some time, but by the time ship arrived at Uma, it was completed. The three reported to the bridge and took their positions. Simona walked up to Ezi.

"So," Simona said in a soft and low tone. "We're going home." Her lips grazed Ezi's ear. "Are you going to introduce me to your mother?"

"I'm not sure if mother would like you," Ezi asked. "You are an acquired taste, but this is what you would call a business meeting, not some kind of homecoming. I just giving mother update about the experiment. Maybe next time I could let you talk to mother."

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