Chapter 11

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Lydia was in her quarters. It was rare to find Lydia not working. She spent most of her time in the lab, even on her off days. Today, she found herself in an awkward position with nothing to do. The doctor decided to take a real day off or at least a couple of hours. Her quarters were bigger than Faith and the others. It had a larger dining area and a small kitchenette. Most people didn't know that Lydia loved to cook. It was one of a few passions that she had that wasn't related to work. Most people used food replicators, especially on a ship. To Lydia, food was an experience and cooking was part of it. The kitchenette had a very powerful exhaust, designed by Lydia, which eliminated any aroma from fumigating the quarters and the halls of the ship. Lydia's mother, Myra, taught her everything about cooking. Myra was raised on the colonies were resources were limited. A food replicator would be considered a luxury item. Most colonies had to raise and cook their own food. Even after Myra left the colonies and married Lydia's father, she kept the love of cooking and passed it on to her daughter.

Faith showered the smell of lust off her body. It was the first time Faith been invited to Lydia's quarters. Lydia asked Faith to wear something nice. Faith thought to herself. 'I don't have anything nice.' Then Faith remembered the reddish dress, but Lydia packed it and it was on the Enigma.

"Fuck!" Faith swore, but she still checked the closet for another one. Looking in the back of the closet, she found a beautiful substitute. It was a reddish V neck sleeveless dress with two high slits. When she put it on, the soft fabric caressed her skin. It was snug, but it was designed that way. It showed off her curves and the slits showed off her legs. Faith looked in the mirror and blushed, she didn't know she could look so beautiful, except for her hair. Faith only knew two styles for her hair, ponytail or down. She didn't learn any fancy hairstyles, so the pony-tail would have to do.

Faith made her way to Lydia's quarters. Some of Hannibal's crew whistled at her as she walked by, she looked annoyed, but she liked the attention. 'This must how Ezi feels all the time,' she thought.

Faith arrived at Lydia's door and it slid open. Lydia saw Faith and flashed a huge smile.

"You look so pretty," Lydia said. "That dress is amazing on you."

Faith's face turned as red as her dress. "Thank you," she said with a short snigger.

Lydia wasn't wearing the standard black uniform of SINDRI, but was wearing a high neck lace sleeveless dress that came down to her ankles with a high slit. It was green in color which brought out her eyes. It wasn't as snug as Faith's dress, but it was tight enough for Faith to notice Lydia's body. She wore her hair down, just passed her shoulders. While on duty, Lydia would wear it in a pony-tail or a tight bun, her face had very little make-up, just enough to enhance her natural beauty.

"You're so beautiful," Faith said. "You're almost perfect."

"I have my flaws," Lydia responded.

"I would love to know what they are," said Faith with a smile. She looked around Lydia's quarters. It was bigger than her quarters. It was decorated with a lot of personal items from Lydia's past. Faith looked at several of Lydia's degrees on the walls and some old paintings from different cultures. Most were from Earth, others were from the Nessians and Ventures, they were all beautiful, but what caught her eye the most was a photo in a gold frame on one of the end table. It was a picture of a middle age man in a Star Force uniform with a beautiful woman with striking red hair. The red hair reminded Faith of her mother.

Lydia walked over to Faith. "They are my parents."

Faith picked up the picture and ran her fingers over the photo and started to tear up. "Your mother is so beautiful," she said. "The only images I have of my parents are burned in my mind, but they aren't positive or beautiful. I can still see my dad being torn apart and my mom being raped." She placed the picture back on the end table and let out a big sigh. "I can't let this get to me." Faith dried her tears. "I have to learn to move on."

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