Chapter 9

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The Enigma arrived in Associate's space. Vlad located the nearest network communication satellite. Interstellar Network Hub or INH was one of the Nessians greatest achievements. The INH was made up of thousands of minisatellites spread out through Association's space. Once a ship linked to the network, it would be able to communicate with anyone connected to the network in real-time. It took the Nessians over thirty years to complete the project. Without the INH, it could take several years to get messages to each other.

"Link to the INH," Lydia ordered.

"Will do," Piet replied and connected the ship's communication array to the INH. He opened a secured channel to the Hannibal. "The channel is open."

"This is Lydia of the Enigma."

A voice she didn't recognize came over the intercom. "This is the Hannibal. What can I do for you?"

"I need to talk to Amulius."

"Patching you through, Lydia."

"Transfer it to the briefing room," Lydia ordered.

"Got it," Piet confirmed.

Lydia walked off the bridge so she could have some privacy from the others. Once she got to the briefing room, Amulius and Captain Jackson waited for her to respond. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Lydia got to the purpose of the call.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Lydia asked. By her tone, Amulius and the captain knew she was upset.

"You must be talking about the shipyard," Amulius answered in his calm demeanor.

"Yes," Lydia snapped back.

"According to our sources," Amulius explained. "The problem was solved and quite well I may add."

"That isn't the point, Amulius!"

"The point is," the captain interjected, "your team adapted and overcame the odds. You should be pleased with them. I was surprised by the results. Was anyone hurt?"

"No," Lydia answered.

"What is the problem?" asked the captain. "You took out a ship and the yard without leaving a trace."

"We have the captain of the ship in our brig," said Lydia. "We would like to transfer him to the Hannibal ASAP."

"We will send you the coordinates to your pilot," said Amulius. "Besides, it might be time for a face to face briefing."

"Understood, Lydia out." She terminated the connection. "Vlad, plot a course for the Hannibal," she said over the intercom.

"Coordinates already plotted in, Lydia," said Vlad. "ETA three hours."


Simona, Zain, Piet, Ezi, and Faith joined Lydia in the briefing room. Lydia wanted to discuss what happening and what was the best way to move forward. The crew was a little tense. Something didn't work out as the way it should. Ezi had some concerns that she wanted to address.

"Scans weren't accurate," Ezi said as she looked at Simona, "not even close."

"The sensors are working," Simona replied, "I have no logical reason why they were giving off false reading."

"The hull could explain the inaccurate," Zain added. "Maybe we could adjust the sensors to compensate for it."

"Run a diagnostic," Lydia ordered.

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