Chapter 18

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Lydia assisted Faith as they walked to the brig. Faith's body was doing better, but she wasn't at a hundred percent. The walk wasn't long, but it felt it was taking forever. It wasn't because of Faith's injuries, it was Faith's fear of what she did to her friend. Faith wanted to know if their friendship could be saved. The moment the door opened to the brig, Faith got a light feeling in her stomach. Her hand shook a little and her perspiration increased. Lydia noticed the minor changes in Faith and took a strong firm grip of Faith. The touch of Lydia brought a calming feeling throughout Faith's body. Lydia had that effect on her warrior lover.  Piet looked at Faith as she slowly limped into the room. Piet offered Faith a seat and she quickly accepted and slowly fell into the chair. Lydia walked to Ezi's cell.

"You wanted to talk?" Lydia asked.

Ezi's was sitting in the cell with her back was to them. She slowly turned around, there was some bruising to the face and some bandages around her chest. Since most of her injuries were cuts, bruises, and some broken ribs and no internal damage, she was healing quite well. "Yes," Ezo said slowly and looked at Faith. "You healed well, little one, considering the punishment I dealt you. I'm very impressed."

"You are healing well yourself," Faith said.

"I didn't want to hurt you," Ezi said.

"You did and I'm not talking about the electric shocks," Faith snapped back. "You tried to use me, mess with my head. How long have you been planning this?"

"I needed you on my side for this to work."

"It failed."

"Enough of the small talk," Lydia said. She wanted to get back to the purpose of this meeting. "We have a lot to discuss."

"I agree," Ezi said.

Piet noticed the subtle hints from both Ezi and Lydia that it was best for him to exit the room so the three could have some privacy.

"What is your endgame?" Lydia asked.

Ezi whimpered and held her ribs as she stood. "I haven't been planning this as Faith suggested. I believe you have no knowledge of the planned attack on Uma, but you have made a career in lying. But you are a logical person and attacking the base wasn't logical. I don't even believe Amuliusever approaches you about this idea."

"Amulius is a logical person, but also very devious," Lydia added. "He is always thinking ten steps ahead. His plans make sense to him and it might make sense to others three years later. He wanted your people technology and I assumed this gave him the opportunity to get it."

"For what purpose?" Ezi asked.

Lydia folded her arms. "Before I answer that question, I must know. Have you passed any information back to your people?"

"No," Ezi answered.

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because it doesn't benefit my people."

Lydia paused before she offered to give the shavili an answer. "He wanted to see if biotech could assist in the bonding process with AMPED."

"For the purpose of?" Ezi asked.

"Creating an army of super soldiers," Lydia said, "an army of Faiths."

"Just like my people wanted with me."

"Thank you for not leaking the information," Lydia said. "As I told you before, it could lead to a lot of problems, especially Earth involvement."

"Who all know about this?" Faith asked.

"The three of us and Piet," Lydia said. "We are keeping this circle small."

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