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"I was beginning to think you stood me up," Molly said, pushing off of the wall when she saw him.

"Sorry," Andrew apologized. "I overslept."

"Wild rager last night?" she asked with a smirk.

"Hardly," he sighed. "It was just a family party celebrating my brother's birthday. We just had dinner and went to the pub for a few drinks."

"Sounds better than my night," she replied. "Diana's husband had a party that ran until 3 int he morning."

"And Diana is...your friend?" he asked.

She nodded. "Technically, she was my professor at Trinity. But when I mentioned I wanted to stay on here for the summer, she said I could stay in her guest cottage."

"Where does she live?" he asked.

Molly considered him for a moment. "On Kilbride Lane," she replied.

He nodded in recognition. "I know that street. Near Fassaroe Cross?" he asked.

"I guess so. But closer to Roadstone than the cross, I think," she answered.

"Oh, yeah. I know where those houses are. That's a long way to come into town," he remarked. "You didn't walk, did you?" he asked.

She shrugged. "I was just about an hour. I didn't mind it. Gave me time to think."

"You're made of stronger stuff than me," he chuckled, pushing his hair back again.

"I didn't know you wore glasses," she commented, walking ahead of him. He had to follow to hear what she was saying. "They suit you."

He sheepishly pushed them back up his nose. "Thanks. So," he rubbed his hands together. "What do you want to see first?"

Molly stopped and looked at him. "Surprise me."

His stomach grumbled. "Why don't we start with breakfast and go from there?" he suggested. "On me, of course."

"Cool. Lead on, Magellan," she quipped, following him along the building and inside.

The morning rush had dissipated and most of the tables were empty in Leo's. They ordered coffees and pastries and took a seat near the back of the cafe.

"So what were you studying at Trinity?" he asked, leaning forward over the table.

"Law. I was doing a semester abroad as part of their international law program," Molly explained. "I'm in the law program back at Berkeley."

"Berkeley. Wow. That's uh...that's really impressive," he answered, suddenly feeling slightly self-conscious. He knew enough about American universities to know that Berkeley was a big deal. "So you want to become a lawyer? Do you have a field you'd like to focus on?"

"I'm not sure yet. When I was - thank you," she said quickly as the barista dropped off their drinks. "When I was at Trinity, I took two classes focusing on international and human rights law. It really caught my attention. So maybe that."

"That's really admirable. I wish I had the intelligence to do that," he chuckled, sipping his coffee. "So how many years do you have left before you become a barrister - er - lawyer?" he asked.

"I'll be in my second year of law school this fall," she smirked, tearing open a sugar packet and dumping it into her coffee. "Another year after that and I'm officially a lawyer. Then I try to find a firm to join or something like that."

"Sounds like you've got it all figured out," he smiled.

"What do you do, Magellan?" she joked.

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