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U/HOZIESSHOES POSTED: I wonder when Andy is putting out new music? Its been a while since he last released anything.

U/SILICAGEL POSTED: I've been wondering the same thing. I kind of thought he was hinting at it back in January when he posted those pics of him demoing. But nothing ever happened.

U/FROMEDEN1990 POSTED: He and Molly got a dog, I think. The Fat Fox coffee shop he goes to posted a pic of a greyhound and you can see Andy in the background out of focus. He's wearing that John Varvatos coat he got years ago. The caption said something like "Clementine is enjoying our patio - you can too!"

U/STELLABYSTARLIGHT83 POSTED: I love that they have a dog now. Its so cute. I think it shows that Andy is serious about Molly.

U/SILICAGEL POSTED: I wonder if the attack last year put him off releasing new music. Maybe he's wary of drawing more attention to himself and Molly. I never heard what happened to the guy who attacked them.

U/LEPRECHAUNFARTS POSTED: The trial for their attacker was last month. He pleaded not guilty initially but then I guess his solicitor or barrister convinced him otherwise. The press followed it a little here in Ireland, but mostly I think they assumed the guy would be smart and just plead guilty. He's supposed to be sentenced in a week or so. I think the most he can get is up to fifteen years; five each for the assault on Molly and Alex and then a couple years for carrying pepper spray and causing panic.

U/SILICAGEL POSTED: Do we think the judge will go easy on him?

U/LEPRECHAUNFARTS POSTED: I'm not sure. There are several elements to it:

1) Molly is technically a foreigner. If she's here as a student then there is a duty on the part of the judge to make a point that its unacceptable to attack foreigners. Add the fact that she's American and its an even bigger issue.

2) Molly is an attorney. She is studying in Ireland and presumably looking at staying here permanently, likely getting certified to practice here as well. No matter where you're located, the judicial system (and law enforcement system, by default) will always take care of their own.

3) Andrew is Ireland's biggest export since U2. Alex is relatively well-known too. Its a high profile case. There's pressure to make an example of the attacker because of this.

4) This attack was (surprisingly) one of the worse things to happen in Ireland for a long time. It was shocking. In general, Ireland doesn't see many murders and violent crimes of this level. It was startling for us to see the pictures and video and hear the phone calls on the news.

All this to say, its possible but I doubt it.

U/FROMEDEN1990 POSTED: I hope he puts out new music soon. I loved the last album. I'm going through an Andrew withdrawal. The last content we got from him was his IG live on his birthday like three weeks ago. He was kind of cagey about how things were going with regards to new music, just saying that he's "always writing and making demos".

That picture Oscar posted for Andy's birthday of him and Andy at Coachella was so fucking hot though. And Andy's response was even better, with those emojis.


Molly tossed her keys on the island and kicked her high heels off, sighing in relief. She dropped her bag on a bar stool and bent over to pick up her shoes. She had a million and one things running through her mind as she went upstairs to change. Finals were in three weeks and her dissertation was due at the same time. She had paperwork to submit to Immigration to change her status once she completed school. She'd also need to submit paperwork to sit the solicitor's exam in the fall. But something else was on her mind as well.

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