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Molly looked at her reflection in the mirror, running her hand over the bump reflected back at her. She'd gone for a fitted black sleeveless dress that hugged her new curves tightly. After her twenty-week appointment two weeks prior, she'd finally given up trying to squeeze into her jeans and browsed several maternity boutiques in the city. She'd been pleasantly surprised to find quite a few outfits that she could wear to work and court without looking like a balloon. This dress in particular was perfect for the warmer summer months and could be paired with flat sandals or high heels. It was also one of Andrew's favorites. A knock at the door drew her attention. 

Andrew stuck his head into the spare dressing room and grinned at her. He had dark circles under his eyes from the chaotic schedule he'd been on for the last three weeks, but the light in his eyes was still there. Since they'd gotten back from Connecticut after Oscar's father's funeral, his focus had been press and rehearsals for the final three shows. Molly had been worried about him running himself ragged, but Andrew didn't seem to mind. 

"Fuck me, you look amazing," he smiled, closing the distance between them and kissing her softly. "When Rory told me you were here, I thought he was taking the piss. I didn't think you were coming tonight."

Molly shrugged and rested her hands on his chest. "It felt like I should be here. Its the end of an era, no?"

It was. He'd decided to take several years off from recording and touring after these shows so he could be present for the baby. He didn't want to miss anything. 

"Are you staying backstage, then?" he asked.

She nodded. "I'm staying with your parents. I think if I go out there looking like this, it'll only cause a bigger stir."

He looked down at her stomach and sighed. He'd missed the last appointment because of a photo shoot and he was still angry with himself. His only consolation was that he knew he wasn't going to miss anything else. Once this show was over, he was a free man. He couldn't wait. 

"You know, I thought this place would be bigger," Oscar's voice came from the bathroom as the toilet flushed. "It looks a hell of a lot bigger from the outside."

Andrew sighed and rolled his eyes, though he was grateful to see his friend. They hadn't really seen or spoken to one another since the funeral. Still, he was happy to see that the other man seemed to be doing well - at least outwardly. Oscar had thinned down slightly and his normally-bouncy curls had been shorn close to the sides of his head whilst the top of his hair was still slightly long. He wore an old Nirvana T-shirt and a pair of fitted jeans and looked relaxed enough. 

"Good to see you again," Andrew smirked, hugging the other man. "Should I assume you're in a guest room at the house?" 

Oscar tucked his hands into his pockets. "Actually, no. I'm in the Presidential Suite at the Shelbourne," he said casually, tossing the five-star hotel's name out like he was listing grocery stores in the area. 

"Right, of course. How silly of me," Andrew joked. 

"I'm waiting on the sale to go through on a house in Monkstown," Oscar continued. "Once its done, I'm moving in."

"How long do you think that'll take?" Molly asked, sliding her arm around Andrew's midsection.

"It closes by the end of the month, I think," he replied proudly.

"That fast? It took me six months to get things to go through on the house," Andrew remarked in surprise. 

"Money talks, Andy," Oscar quipped. "I can see I interrupted a private moment. I'll wait outside. Have a good show." He clapped Andrew on the shoulder and walked away.

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