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After the concert was over, Molly hung around the front of the stage. She was replaying different moments from the hours before: the way he kept glancing in her direction as he sang, the little winks he sent her way each time he took a break to talk to the crowd, the heat that had spread through her body as he sang.

Oscar had been right; Andrew got more and more wild and bold as the night went on, thumping his chest emphatically at times and getting lost in the music at others. But eventually, it was time for the show to end.

When he had done his final bow with his band and given his last wave, he leaned forward and mouthed See you in a bit directly at her. She nodded back. Oscar headed for the bathroom, promising to meet her by the stage door in the lobby when he was finished.

As the crowd filtered out of the theater, Molly felt several people from the pit staring at her and she could hear their whispers. She ignored them and pulled her phone out.

"Best Forest Daddy concert ever," one of them declared.

Molly fought the urge to burst into laughter. Forest Daddy. I have to give him shit for that.

She meandered through the theater, enjoying the architecture and the adrenaline rush that still coursed through her veins. She had to give it to Andrew, he knew how to put on a show. By the end, she was almost a full convert to his music. A heat had spread through her body igniting nerve endings and she felt like she could climb a mountain.

The stage door was situated at the end of the lobby and was guarded by a security officer. He looked her over as she hovered nearby, her arms crossed over her chest. She gave him a polite nod and tried to look busy.

Fifteen minutes passed and Oscar still hadn't appeared. Sighing, she called him. He didn't answer and it went to voicemail. A second later he texted her.

Met someone in the bathroom. Headed back home with him.

Molly sighed heavily and let her hand fall. Of course he would meet someone in the toilets and leave her. Now she was on her own. Whatever.

Remember what you came here to do, she thought.

She dug into her pocket and produced the envelope. Inside were two thick cards with GUEST emblazoned on them in bold black writing. She handed one to the security guard who took it, looked her up and down, and then gave it back before calling someone on his radio. About two minutes later, the door popped open and a young brunette man greeted her.

"Molly?" he asked, clipping his radio to his collar. Molly nodded. "Come with me."

She walked inside and followed the young man down a long hallway lit with harsh fluorescent lights and decorated with posters from different acts that had played the theater in the past.

"Andy is still outside greeting fans, but he should be done soon," the young man said. He stopped outside a door with a sign that read "Hozier Male Band" taped to it. He swung the door open and gestured for her to walk inside. "You can wait in here until he's back. Please don't wander off."

"Thanks," Molly replied, but the young man was already gone by the time she turned around.

The dressing room had several arm chairs scattered around and two long sofas facing one another. A wall of vanity mirrors was still lit on one end, casting the room in a golden glow. Instrument cases were leaning against the wall and a clothing rack held several pieces of clothing, some halfway out of their garment bags.

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