Happiness Doesn't last Forever

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Oh my goodness i havented uploaded in ages!! ive been so busy with school and everything, i just havent had enough time :/ sorry guys! hopefully you will enjoy this book, im not too sure if im going to finish this story or not, depends on how many reads i get, but yeah, comment your feedback and ideas and all, id love to hear what you have to say. Muaah xxx

Oh btw, my chapters wont be long, neither will the book if i end up finishing it, im not too sure, we'll see in the end anyways. :)


Life was absolutely perfect for this little girl, she had everything she ever wanted, or maybe she just didnt realize what more she could have. There were no issues with bullying and fighting or having to worry about supporting your family at such a young age, there were no reasons for people to judge you in anyway, it was... easy.

Living in a small town might have contirbuted to the reasons of being happy, as not many people are there to bug you, but at the same time it could be alot more difficult, people can get clingy and then once you give in, tell them everything about yourself, they go in stab you in the back, and if you didnt know, gossip spreads fast in a small town.

And thats how it all started, who knew one little rumor could ruin someones life forever.

Alright so heres what happened, when Iyesha was in grade 2 she facnied one the cutest boys in school, Zayn Paro, she knew she'd never have a chance with him, he was part of the popular kids. One of the popular girls who also had a crush on him, well i mean im sure mostly every girl did, but who wouldnt, he was gorgeous with his jet black hair and golden green eyes that could make you melt with just one look, uhh anyways back to the point, she had found out that Iyesha liked him and did everything she could to embrasses her, Iyesha didnt let it get to her until one day she went to the extreme.

They were at swimming class, getting changed in the girls bathroom, when Gabriella ( the mean popular girl) decided to make an anncouncement, and to Iyesha suprise, Gabriella told everyone Iyesha was a lesbian and proceaded to rip her towel off from around her body and running away with Iyesha's clothes, leaving her standing in the middle of 36 girls all staring at her naked self.

The girls pointed and laughed, leaving tears tricklying down her face with embarrsement, she couldn't believe what had just happened, her anger started to build up rapidly, she stormed off trying to find somewhere to hide, just to be stopped dead in her tracks as she realized she was completely naked and their were boys out there, Including Zayn! She couldnt let them see her like this, especially, she had no idea what to do, seeing that her so called 'friends' laughed and ran away from her with the rest of the crowd. she didnt know what to do, where to go, or who to call for help, she had nobody, she had nothing else to do than to walk out there in front of everybody and retrieve her clothes.

After that she avioded all contact with anybody from her grade, knowing that she was top gossip, she couldnt bare the embarrrsesment. As soon as school ended she ran home, without stopping she crashed onto her bed, letting her tears soak her pillow, so many emotions were running through her brain, but one stuck the most, Zayn. What would he have thought, he obviously thought she was ridiculous and a total loser. Lucky for her, her mum was at Universerty and her dad was at band practice, she had gotten home just before her sisters did, which gave her some time to clean herself up a bit, she couldnt tell them what happened, that would embarres her even more, plus she didnt want them worrying about her.

She couldn't go to school the next day, seeing how her whole grade had seen her completely naked and thought she was a lesbian, so she faked sick, telling her parents she was nauious. So she spent the rest of the day curled up on the coach watching ABC, actually she spent the rest of the week like that, she didn't know how to confront those people ever again, and now she had absolutely no chance in the world with Zayn.

And just like that, My perfect world came crashing down around me... Yup thats right, I'm Iyesha May Ingle.



Yaaay i finally got that over with :DDD so happy. hope you liked it :) tried my best, oh btw im not Iyesha, shes just a character hehe :) please comment some feedback, and tell me if you liked it, i will upload again if you do :) i understand if the story isnt the great, its my first time wrtting so i just hope you like it :) sorry its not too long but i think its longer than the last one :) alright, so that was it :) xx

Also some ideas on what should happen next would be good :D

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