Part 18

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Ryder's POV

"So where'd you say Riley was again?" Liam pushed his hair back from his face as he bit into another greasy slice of pizza. We'd been sitting and chatting for about 20 minutes now, and so far, all I could get was a desperation to be friends with us. He was awfully intent to do so.

I took a bite myself and mimicked his relaxed demeanor. He'd been asking most of the questions as he sat with Avery and I. Blythe and Soren sat outside waiting to tail him once we were done.

"She went out of town, got called back for an internship in DC." It was the story we were all going with and the one we'd placed in her parent's head. "What's with the interest in her?" I chuckled, trying not to let my callous seep through my teeth, everything about this guy just seemed off. After everything we had been through with Andrew, I wasn't taking any chances.

I could see in his eyes that he knew I was weary of him. He shifted his eyes to Avery, who'd been surprisingly quiet this entire time. I knew better though, he was reading him.  Avery's sixth sense with analyzing people came in handy at times like this, I couldn't exactly tell what he was getting though, his face was almost expressionless.

"Relax, I'm not trying to make a move on your lady." He laughed. "I'm actually interested in getting to know her sister a bit more, who's been completely blowing me off by the way. I tutored her once, but she won't have a conversation with me outside of quadratic equations." His grin was comfortable, entirely too smug for my liking. "Riley's seems far more approachable. Figured if I could get close to her, I could get closer to Lexi."

I nodded. "Riley's definitely that nicer-"

"Is that why you had dinner with her parents last night?" Avery's voice was innocent as I shot him a look. What was he doing? Liam's collection briefly wavered. "Sorry," he chuckled. "My parents and I had dinner at Lorenzo's last night as well. I didn't wanna interrupt, haven't seen too much of her parents since we broke up, you know?"

Oh he was definitely good...

Liam laughed while brushing his hands off over his plate, placing an arm over the back of the booth. "Listen man, I get it. Has to be as awkward as sitting next to the guy that's dating her now. How do you guys manage? Personally, I'd beat a guy to a pulp for puling one like that on me." As casual as his laughter was, I forced mine out alongside Avery.

"Well, Avery and I have been friends long before girls came into the picture, we both just want the other to be happy." All of which, was true.

Liam nodded. "Yeah, I get that. And I actually ran into them, my mom works with their parents. They invited me to sit while I was picking up an order. Figured it was the perfect opportunity to get a good word put in for myself. Once you're in with the parents, you're in with the family." He winked.

"Boy, you're really into Lexi huh?" Avery smirked. "I'll tell you though, she's quite the firecracker." Just as we prepared to leave, a bubbly girl with golden hair like coils plopped down beside us.

"I thought that was you, mind if I join?" She quipped while going for the last slice of pizza.

"Actually, we were just getting ready to leave, grading papers are calling my name." Avery extended a hand. "I'm Avery, you?"

"Kara." Liam answered for her. "She's my oh so wonderful sister." His sarcasm was obvious.

 The difference in skin tone made room for wonder. She was the color of cocoa, with soft eyes and a bright smile.

"Step..."She added with a roll of her eyes while nudging him in the side. "I was sent by dad to fetch you. This is me fetching you and enjoying a free slice of pizza." She winked while gracefully sliding from the booth. "See ya at home kid."

Avery and I watched as she sauntered away. Everything about her was intriguing, she was definitely the opposite of her brother.

"She seems nice." Avery slid out as I followed suit.

"She's a siren, don't fall for it." Liam laughed. 

"Oh, and what does that make you?" My brow furrowed as a landed an arm on his shoulder. Even while touching him, I still didn't get the sense that he was a Darklighter.

"Welp, just a guy determined to get what he wants." He patted me back while heading out the door. "Catch ya later." His smooth wink would've left any girl swooning. He was all too cocky.

"I don't like him." Avery laughed as we made for the door. "I'm serious, I don't know what his game is, and I don't like it."

"I don't know..." Avery cocked his head slightly as we caught up with Pippa and Winter, they'd been waiting in the next shop over. "Something about him seemed perplexing, almost...cloudy, that's the best word I can use right now until I know more about him."

"Yeah because he's lying, did you see his face when you mentioned Lorenzo's? He looked as if he knew he'd been caught." Everything about him rubbed me the wrong way, I didn't trust him at all.

"He claims to want to get closer to Riley and her parents in an effort to get to Lexi." Avery shrugged.

"Maybe that's true, but that still doesn't explain how he already knew all of us by name." Winter exchanged weary eyes with us as we made way back to my place in the city. "Now we'll just have to wait and see if the guys find anything out of sorts with him."


"Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, he stopped and dropped something off at the post office and went home." Blythe relayed while I sat across from Riley's still body. Seeing her like this would forever be unnerving.

"Any idea on what he put in the drop box?" I asked.

"Not sure, but it looked like an envelope." He came by and squeezed Riley's hand. "So unless you want me to go and steal it back..." 

"Actually," it gave me a thought.

"Ryder I was joking." He laughed. "Look, we've discovered all we can for now, you should get some rest, much like I'm about to go do."

"You're right." I sighed. Truth be told, I hadn't slept since Riley left, I'd been keeping myself awake in an effort to stay as close to her as possible. I'd spent the last few nights holding her in my arms while hoping she'd wake at any moment. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

After letting him out I went and took a long shower. My anxiety had really been getting the best of me. Had I always been this anxious? I pressed my head against the cool tile, letting the water cascade down my back in hopes that it would help me unwind. The steam from the air continued to expand my lungs as I took a few deep breaths. When would this all end? All I wanted was to enjoy a moment of stress-free peace with my girlfriend. 

My mind continued to wander as I let my breathing go shallow, continuing to feel the patter of the water brushing against my skin until it began to fade out, seemingly disappearing all together.

The heart...find the's all in the heart...

My eyes shot open, the sound of the shower suddenly blaring in my ears. I quickly shut it off, looking around slightly dazed. What had just happened?

The sound of a soft, withered voice lingered in my ears. I knew enough to know that I surely hadn't been dreaming, but where had it come from?

Grabbing a towel, I shuffled over to the bathroom sink, throwing cool water over my face, the steam from my shower had almost been too much. I sighed while wiping the blanket of condensation covering the mirror.

"Hell!" I stumbled back, knocking the contents of my counter to the floor as I ridiculously grabbed at the air as if it would stop me from falling. 

A man with silver hair and a solemn face had appeared behind me, sending my heart into over drive. I immediately recognized his face despite it being aged years from the last time I'd seen it. 

My breath was ragged as I could barely get the words out. "My King..." 

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