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"First things first..." Ryder started. "Before we can move forward with anything, we have to piece together what we do have." Ryder and I had broken down the events that had taken place in the Silent Meadow. "But, before we even do that," he looked at me. "Riley we have to get you home."

"Crap, you're right." I muttered. How had I forgotten I actually had a family to get back to?

"And while you're at it, you should probably ask your parents about what they remember from that night." Avery said. "From what you told me, there might be some things they aren't telling you." I swallowed hard as I realized he was right. They'd never intended on telling me I was adopted last fall.

"Yeah, didn't you say they said they didn't know who your father was? What if they're hiding something?" Aspen added.

I chewed my bottom lip as Ryder shook his head. "We don't know if that's the true. Maybe they don't want her to find him, something like a closed adoption in their eyes."

"Yeah, and don't forget the circumstances under which they took her in, it was totally illegal." Winter helped.

I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. Summer was definitely over. "Alright, it's getting late. I guess I'd better be getting home. Ryder could you take me?"

"I could take you." Avery offered with a small smile. "I mean after all, you're only down the street from me." I looked to Ryder who only shrugged in return as the others started to leave.

"Yeah, sure. Give me a minute? I'll meet you down stairs." He swung his keys around his finger and headed out with Aspen and Blythe. Ryder and I were finally alone again. "Are you okay with this?" I asked as I wove my arms around his neck.

He held me by the waist while resting his head on mine. "It's fine." I nodded as I stood on my toes, placing a soft kiss on his lips. He cupped my face in his hands as he deepened the kiss. I was completely lost in us, my heart felt as if it was going to burst right out of my chest. Is this what it felt like to feel our connection on such a deep level? Geez, I had to have tortured Ryder by staying away all summer.

"I'm sorry." I breathed breathlessly.

"For what?" He whispered while brushing the hair from my face.

I shook my head as I looked into his bright eyes. "I spent the entire summer running away from you, not knowing just how much I needed you the way you need me. It couldn't have been easy."

He chuckled quietly. "It wasn't, but I'm stronger than you think." He winked while pressing his lips to mine once more. I got slightly excited as we fell in one heap on his leather couch. His warm hands brushed the hot skin of my stomach as he singed fiery kisses all over me. I giggled while pulling away.

"Ryder, I have to go."

He growled against the skin of my neck as I smiled. "Yes I know." With one last kiss he pulled me into standing position. "Good night Riley."

"See you in school tomorrow?" I asked hopefully. If only he was still there every day like I was.

He laughed while holding the door open for me. "Tomorrow's Saturday."

"Crap, that's right. Wow, I'm so out of it." I mumbled while holding my temples.

"Indeed you are." He smirked. "But we can all meet at your place tomorrow afternoon if that's okay with you. Or would you like to rest?"

I shook my head. "No time for resting, I need to find my father."

He nodded. "Tomorrow at three then?"

"Sounds like a plan." With one last peck on the lips, I shuffled downstairs to meet Avery.

He was parked on the curb waiting for me. The inside of his car was just as I remembered it. It still smelled of leather and musk. "There you are." He smiled as he pulled off.

Crossroad: TBB Series Book 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu