Train Ride

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"Kim you will need to go down to Busan to investigate the Jeon case, we need to wrap this case up. I have been on it for two years now and I thought leaving Busan means I wouldn't think of it anymore but its still nagging me." I let out a sigh as I get up from bed and start packing a bag for the trip. I know there is no way he is going to take no for an answer, even if I don't want to go all that much.

"Why don't you go down there yourself Chief? No one knows this case as good as you do." I grab my gun and badge off my night stand putting them into my bag along with some nice shirts and slacks. And before I can forget I quickly throw in some of my silk pajamas.

"I can't leave because I'm booked with meetings for assigning the new Chief all this week. You're my only trusted detective and you were there for half of the case. You know it better than anyone on it at the moment." I let out a sigh knowing that this was all true.

I have been a detective for five years now and I've built a great reputation and name for myself on the task force. And not only that but I did get a chance to see the case a year or so back. I know a little about it and to this day I still remember it. I mean how could I forget.

Everybody knows that there hasn't been a case that I've been given that I haven't been able to solve. I don't have any cold cases or unsolved ones, I've managed to figure them all out.

Unlike a lot of detectives now who try to get anyone behind bars for the case I take my time and try to put the right person behind bars. No innocent man or women should be treated a way they shouldn't be.

And I know the kid they were slightly suspecting in the beginning didn't deserve to even be suspected to be the killer.

There's just something about him that screams innocent. Something that I want to protect and cherish but I knew as a detective I couldn't get involved with the victims in that way so I distanced myself from the case so that I wouldn't be near those beautiful doe eyes that I loved staring at or those warm arms that would wrap around me and thank me for helping him out in the slightest. Or the way he would cuddle up to me without noticing when he's asleep. Or the way he would look at me as if I was his last hope.

I think it's time I finally see what's happening.

"Okay, I'll go down to Busan. I'll come to the office to pick up the files, please have them ready for me. Then I'll take the first available train down there." I set down my bag by the door and start to get ready to go out.

"Thank you Kim, see you in a few." I say my goodbye and turn the phone off and hop into the shower.


"Thank you so much Kim. This really does mean a lot to me. This case has been on my mind since I've been trying to solve it when I was located in Busan. I guess this is the one case that I wont be able to solve but I want it to be done with." I take a seat set up in front of the chiefs desk and cross my legs once I'm seated and let out a small chuckle.

"Not every case can be solved, you told me that. And why are you even retiring so early? You can have plenty of time to solve this case yourself." I say as he puts his hands on his face and lets out a small sigh. He then looks up at me with a small smile and the glint of happiness set in his eyes which was enough to say that he has something more for him than just this job.

"Jin wants us to finally settle down and adopt and I really want that as well. We've been married for two years now, its time for us to add to the family. Being a detective doesn't guarantee that I can come back home safe to my family and I don't want to do that to Jin any longer. We've been together for seven years now and I don't want to put him through that stress any longer." I smile knowing very the well the relationship of Jin and the chief, Namjoon.

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