"Well-known? What does he do? Is that a bad thing or a good thing? She fired question after question but before I could answer them Trevor spoke up, "He's a musician. He's in a popular boy band." Her gasp led me to believe this was the wrong thing to say to stop her questioning.

"A band? Really? He ain't one of them boys that gets into trouble all the time is he? Shew lord I don't think I can't handle this." There was a nervousness in her voice and my father grabbed her hand. "Francine honey, will you just let us meet the fella? Save some of these questions for the daughter that is actually dating him huh?"

I looked back and my father and mouthed a quick thank you and he just gave me a wink. Soon after we were pulling up to the gate of the familiar beach house. Trevor punched in the code I had been given a week prior and the glided open with ease.

The house came into view as we drove further up the drive, earning a few gasps from my parents and Trevor. "Jesus, I wish I was the one that had gotten kno—" I elbowed him in the ribs as we stepped out of the car, halting his words. "Noticed. Noticed in the club." He shot me a sorry look and we walked to the front door, ringing the bell promptly.

"They met in a club? What kind of club?" My mother started again with her questions but I was saved when the front door swung open revealing a tall curly haired man smiling brightly at us causing his dimples to stick out.

"Oh my goodness! Look at you! You must be Niall, honey is is such a pleasure to meet you!" My mothers voice was high and pitchy as she walked forward and embraced Harry into a big hug. "You are just the cutest thing I have ever laid my eyes on!" He graciously hugged her back and we started to explain at the same time that he wasn't Niall.

"Mom that's not Niall. This is his friend Harry." I placed my hand to my forehead and closed my eyes in embarrassment. Harry's smile never faltered and he pulled her back in for another hug. "Sorry, love. I couldn't get it out in time. It's so nice to meet you. You're gorgeous, just like your daughters."

"Oh lord, Harry honey I am sorry. I'm just so excited to meet you all." She covered her face and smiled politely at him.

"No troubles at all love. I'd be honored to be Niall Horan. Handsome man." His smile beamed and he turned to my father reaching out his hand, "You must be David. I've heard so much." My father took his hand and gave it a firm shake. "It's nice to meet you too, Harry. This is some place y'all have got here."

"Thank you sir, I take great pride in it." He turned his attention back to me and brought me into a big bear hug. "Angela, it's so nice to see you again." He turned and held his hand out to my fiancé. "You must be Trevor. Nikki gave me a briefing on all of you before you got here. It's so nice to meet you." Trevor shook his hand and smiled, "Thank you for having us. We would've hosted but you could fit four of our houses into this one." We all laughed and Harry motioned for us to follow him into the dining room.

"It's not trouble at all, really. Any excuse
to have a dinner party. Say, would any of you care for something to drink?" He smiled graciously at us. We each told him a beverage and he told us that he would get them right out to us.

"I'll help you." I gave him my best smile and walked with him to the bar in the kitchen where Liam stood with an apron on and a large cooking spoon in hand. He looks up from the pot on the stove and greets me warmly. "Hello, love. It's so nice to see you again!" He lays his spoon down and walks over embracing me before going back to his food.

"It's so nice to see you again, and with no intentions of stealing a plant." I tease him. He smiles so big his eyes disappear. "Hey, that was one hell of a night. Say, how did little plant ever turn out? I never got Kendall's number." His question made me laugh.

For better, For worse | Louis Tomlinson |Where stories live. Discover now