"But I Love Him, Hyungs.. But Im getting married. I might not be able to Meet him again." He Gravbed something from his picket.. A letter. "Atleast If You guys see him.. Please. Give this to him"

I Grabbed the Yellow Enevelope "sure .." I nodded.

He stood up "I better get going.. Hyungs.. Thanks for the dinner"

Me and Namjoon are seriously speechless so we just nodded..

"Damn" joon said and Looked at me.

Jimin's POV

"I just cant.. With a Guy" i said.

"What do You mean You cant? With a guy?" He was confused that His tone of voice sounds Mad..

"Im straight.. And I cant With a guy"

"Youre being nonsense Jimin!!!" He yelled at me.

"I knoww!!"

"What about Jungkook!!!?" He paused "you cant with him!? Hes a guy too!!! "

"Thats why! I cant with a guy!!! Ok!?"

"I dont Understand you Jimin!!!"

"I dont either!!"

"You dont Love Jungkook?"

We stayed silent for a while.

"Ofcourse.. I do" Taehyung stared to scratch and messed with his hair, walking back and forth..

"I dont understand You" he said and looked at me with a confused face.

"Right.. Hahaha" i laugheed and didnt realized i was slowly Falling down. "Men are confusing" i scratch my head too.

Taehyung Left me for a while. Not giving a  shit about me. He looks like hes so done with me..

He opened the door "Im gonna leave You for a while" he paused "but If You need something.. Ill be here.." And then the last Sentence he said before closing the door is "You're still my bestfriend, after all" and close the door.

He opened the door again " by the way.. If You need the car. Here's the key.. "He throw the key to me.. I didnt catch because Im not interested. "I'll go ahead.." He said and Closed the door.

I cried more.. I dont even know.. My mind..

I cant..

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!" i yelled and stomp the floor so hard out of angriness.

Its getting late.. 12;00 pm and Im still.. Im still fucking insane.

*ting ting*

I received a message from Namjoon..

Namjoon Hyung
-you better go and see
jungkook right now

-he's going to america.

-And Me and Jin found out your rrlationship with him.

-if You love Him, go to him..

-its up to you.. Im not forcing you. But if i were you, ill go..

-you were his first friend. His first love, I hope youre kind enough to Go see him..

-he's also getting married..

-so.. Goodluck..

After seing those Messages. I feel like my heart was broken...

I stood up and went outside. And then i remembered I have Taehyung's key and Went inside again to get the key.

I went inside of Taehyung's car. Smiling.

My Straight Fake Boyfriend  || JiKook Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu