Just a question

15 4 31

So...tomorrow I will become an official ninth grader, and I will be entering a high school. Does anyone have any tips for surviving what I already know will be tough???

The people I am genuine friends with (or most of the people) are going to a different high school, which means if I want friends I'm going to have to socialize. That isn't what I would call a challenge, but when it comes to new people I'm not too good with starting a conversation (I used to be, but then I grew a bit less social over time).

So, this is just me asking for tips on how to survive high school and all that jazz.

But what I'm excited about for my high school is that they let you wear ANY HOODIE YOU WANT. At school, I wore my hoodie usually all day. They have dress code, but it isn't just one outfit (which I am majorly happy about).

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