I should write this before i forget

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I didn't feel like writing this yesterday, so I'm writing now so I can somewhat rant (this happened when my class was packing up to leave).

Now, any constant and quick flashing lights are a no no for epileptics, especially if they don't know what is causing them their seizures (and it isn't rare not to know).

My teacher went on a trip to a competition with a group called Beta (a lot of the smart and kind students).

Since she wasn't in the room and her substitute wasn't either...a kid from another class came in. I didn't care, even though I had a strong dislike for him. Let's call him...Tristian (I looked up annoying boy names, sorry if your name is Tristian).

So, Tristan began to turn on and off the nights rapidly, which hurt the eyes of several people. I told him to stop, and  he did for around two seconds. When I grabbed my backpack, he did it again.

So, I just looked at him and said, "You are aware that I can possibly have a seizure from that, right?" And he just says, "Yeah, but I don't care."

No one came to defend me.

They just joked. They joked about how something he said rhymed.

What the hell? How can someone say something like that, as if it doesn't exist?

I packed up as quickly as I could. I wasn't embarrassed, but I was furious and sad at the same time. I told my mom as soon as possible, and we told the office.

They probably won't do shit, seeing as they didn't do anything about the girl who said that she wished I would have a seizure and die.

In all honesty, I never knew what truly hating someone felt like, until yesterday. I would never wish someone to be in pain, but Tristian needs to learn that he can't do whatever he wants. He needs to learn that people have much worse situations than him.

I'm not asking for pity or sympathy, but I need to let this out. Thank you if you read this and sorry for bitching about something that is probably much smaller than it is.

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