Um idea thing

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So I've been reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

And I wanna make two twins based off Marlee's ghost??

For people who haven't read it, Marlee was a ghost who worked with Scrooge (most people have watched/read/hear of A Christmas Carol so I won't do much explaining).

He died at the beginning of the book and appears to Scrooge, explaining to him that his actions had made the long chains he had freely made (back then, ghosts were pictured with chains, and he basically meant that his every action and inaction caused this to happen).

Marlee also states that ghosts with the chains can only wander the earth, unable to help those.

So now I wanna make two characters based off of him?? The scene where he visits Scrooge is excellent and I wish I could've described it better, I love the book so far.

I would probably make one male and one female (thinking twins, but I might just make them basic siblings, cousins, friends, or just separate characters).

If I could have some ideas, that would be great, but I'm not forcing. ^^

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