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It truly is funny how I feel bad when I think people are ignoring me, even though it:

A) isn't my fault

B) could be them just not seeing my notification

C) if they have seen my notification, are they really worth the time, the story plot, and the OC?

But I do it anyways.

Despite knowing I'm stupid.

I could be just selfish, like most human beings. Human nature, I guess.

I hope no one is angry at me for this, I know I've missed notifications. And friends sometimes have perfect reasons to miss them (ex. One friend's phone broke, no joke she literally broke it and lives in Britain, so timezones and a broken phone are both an issue when it comes to talking in general).

Back on track...I feel like I needed to say this. I'm not sure if people have purposely ignored me before, or if they've just forgotten me (both options have made me upset, seeing as I roleplay with people close to me).

This is just a little vent, maybe something for people to try and understand me. I don't tend to talk about this often, just myself. Talk to me if you want, but I'm probably going to be fine.

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