Road trip p2|4

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I somehow got stuck in the middle of Hercules and Thomas. Hercules are almost all my Girl Scout cookies and we aren't even 3 hours in the trip. Alex and John ended up making out and Aaron ended up pulling over on the side of the highway and yelling at them. Aaron went full on dad mode. Thomas was being the dick he is and recording it.

"Will he ever let them get back in the car," I asked Thomas
He just shrugs.
Holy shit here comes the cops.

My new dad doesn't like me in a relationship or anything close. And is currently yelling at me and Alex about his rules. And shit here comes the cops.

"Is there a problem here," The police ask

Police officers make me nervous they aren't the safest to be around especially since where I grew up they were fine with killing the innocents.

"No." Me and Alex said in unison looking around nervously

The cops didn't seem convinced. I see one of cops hand on their gun. I step back almost tripping on the curve.

Luckily Hercules saved us. "COME ON GUYS I REALLY HAVE TO PEE,"

The cops let us go with a warning.

"Do you really have to use the bathroom?" I ask

"Nope I just wanted to get out of here" Herc replies

We sit in awkward silence but I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up everyone had gone inside the gas stations.

When they came back Alex had a coffee and he got me a grape slurpee.

John has fallen asleep and was laying on me. I was so tired but couldn't fall asleep so I convinced everyone to go to the gas station. It took me 10 minutes but finally Aaron let us go besides he was running out of gas.

When we all was getting out the car I slowly move John head to lead toward the window because I didn't want to wake him up he looked so cute sleeping. As we were in there I got some Doritos and Takis. I had to get me some coffee and I got John a grape slurpee with a double tequila shot and some of Lafayette energy drink.

"Isn't that illegal?" Hercs questioned

"Isn't what illegal?" I ask

"Sabotaging Johns drink." Hercs replies

"Well I won't call it sabotaging it just putting something in there he didn't know was in there to loosen him up." I say

"Um sure it is," Herc murmurs

Word count 425

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