Hospital pt 2 | 7

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I would like to say I'm going to update more and sry for like a month wait just been super busy. And skip this chapter if you don't like depression or cutting

"So doc what's the problem with me you ran out in such a hurry." I questioned

"Oh i just had to talk to some of the other doctors because they like more train than me bu-" she explains

"Wait so you aren't trained or something," I shouted

"I am but I'm still in school I go to Washington and lee university so i don't know everything yet." She tries to explain again "So the problem with you is because you avoid this thing for 12 years and you probably tried it today your body didn't know how to react so you passed out but you are good to go."

"Cool I go there to and I'm like hooked up to all this stuff for like nothing and I just show never drink tequila again right." I asked

"Firstly cool hopefully I see you there secondly we didn't know what's was wrong with you and thirdly you can drink tequila just little bits at a time until you get fully used to it," she replies 

Angelica unequipped me from all of this stuff and I go find Alex Lafayette and Hercs.

I go to the waiting room and no one is to be found so I text them.

Johnnyboi: where are y'all

5 minutes later

LaffyTaffy: in the bathroom hurry Alex is having a mental breakdown.

Reading those words almost gave me a heart attack. It took me a while and I finally find the bathroom I see Alex in a ball on the floor and there's blood.

I find a pen and that is sharp enough to cut. I sit on the floor and lean against the sink. I close my eyes as I shove the pen in my arm and pull it to the left. It hurts but then it's feel better. But not this time I didn't feel better I felt worst. I started to sob even more than I have ever had. I locked the bathroom door so no one could come in but soon after Lafayette and Herc was knocking on the door trying to get in and they were about to get a janitor when Lafayette took a Bobby pin from his hair and unlocked the door.
There was both Hercs and Lafayette in the door way looking at me and they were trying to speak to me but all I heard was mutters.

"It's all my fault," I kept repeatedly saying as I rocked my self back in forth.

"It's all my fault it's all my fault it's all my fault, ITS ALL MY FAULT!" I sobbed

"Alex?" Says a familiar voice
I look up to see it's John. He's ok?

I stand up and try to run to lock myself in a stall. But John grabs my arm and look straight in my eyes.

"Alex it's ok, I'm ok see. I've been through this before, it's just better to let go ok?" John says

"Ok" I sniffed as I wipe my eyes

"Now let's clean this mess up before someone come in here and call 911." He chuckled

I washed my arm and took my shirt off and tried to wash the blood out but it was stained. But oh well I got other shirts. I pull my hood over my head as I am flooded with embarrassment. We all leave the bathroom and go outside to see them waiting for us.

I hug Alex and we get in the car. He falls asleep looking out the window and I lay my head on his lap. And he starts to blush I didn't know that's possible blushing in your sleep. But at least I'm not the only one.

Time skip

I wake up to us being in the drive thru of Starbucks. Wow really getting Starbucks without me and Alex.

"Hey get me a vanilla frappe and a Carmel espresso for Alex." I weakly asked

"Ok Johnny," Aaron replies

"Don't call me Johnny." I snapped.

I wake up to John yelling at Aaron for calling him Johnny while getting Starbucks. I pinch myself to make sure this is a dream but nope.

"Can y'all just shut up so I can get some work done," I say as I pull out my laptop and start writing my essay.

"Sorry... wait what get off your laptop we are almost to the dorm anyway it's like across the street." He tried to convince me

"Buuuuuttttttt babe I have to finish my essay for class next week." I pleaded

"Not in your condition we need to talk when we get home anyway." John glares

Holy shit are we going to talk about what happened earlier cause I really don't want to.
Ugh doesn't matter but where's my coffee.

"Where's my coffee," I asked changing the subject.

"Here," theodosia hands me my coffee

Haha you forgot about her being in the car didn't you. Now back to the story

When we get to our dorm. I set Alex down for a serious talk.

"Alex sit down we need to talk." I say. Omfg did I just say we need to talk i just sounded like my dad. Ugh

"Yes," He squeaks

"It's nothing to serious just I know what you are going through but please don't cut again trust me it doesn't help. Plus me Lafayette Herc and the Schuyler sisters love you no homo," I chuckled

Yes homo
Shut up you know I can't have him
But you know you want him.

Sorry sometimes I talk to myself sometimes

"Oh it won't happen again this morning I didn't take my antidepressant, my social anxiety, or my panic attack medication but I'm fine now plus I need some sleep." Alex joyfully concluded

Alex goes into the living room and starts to watch tv. I leave and text Peggy

Johnnyboi: can I come over
Peg Leg: sure don't forget to bring some popcorn I know you got some tea

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