Replaced 2 ( Part 2 )

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Wanda was baffled when her call didn't go through. And it wasn't even because Peter's phone had died, or was powered off or anything, but he ignored it. Peter never ignored calls.

Wanda stood up and turned towards Loki.

"We're going to find him." She stated plainly.

"Without anything? We don't even know where he could possibly be." Loki replied.

"Is that supposed to help?" Wanda asked incredulously, opened the window and flew out anyway.

"Hey! You know I can't do that! I don't have magic stuff coming out of my hands to propel myself up!" Loki shouted after Wanda, as Vision phased through the wall and gave Loki a pointed look.

"Are you actually kidding me right now?" Loki asked ridiculously and grabbed on to Vision as he flew out the window, "this is the most humiliating thing I've done apart from get help!"

They flew over buildings and over alleyways, peeking into every window, trying to find Peter.

It was three hours later when they stopped in an alleyway near Queens.

"We really flew this far? We were just uptown three hours ago." Wanda gaped and Vision chuckled, earning a weird look from Loki.

That was when they heard a faint whimper. It was faint, but it was there.

The three of them walked quietly towards the source of the voice, and saw a shaking figure on the ground, beside a dumpster.

"Oh my god," Loki gasped and bent down to lay a hand on the shaking figure. It couldn't be him, but it had to be. Oh, how he hoped it wasn't-

"Peter!" He called and shook Peter a little, causing Peter to wince and glance up.

"Uncle Loki?" He asked softly as he coughed and continued shivering.

Wanda quickly levitated Peter into Vision's arm and he flew back to the tower, carrying Peter bridal style.

Loki and Wanda quickly packed up all of Peter's stuff into his almost broken suitcase, before calling a cab back because Loki can't fly back.

Upon reaching the tower, Vision brought Peter to the medical bay and hooked on an IV drip for him.

But it was just a few seconds before Vision heard footsteps.

"Hey, Vision! Why did you bring him back?" It was Tony, and he didn't seem happy to see Peter.

"He was hurt, Tony." Vision replied and his eyes widened in shock as Tony aimed a repulsor at Peter.

"He's an imbecile," Tony snarled and was shot Peter.

Thankfully, Vision got there in time to push Peter out of the way, and he phased through the shot.

"Are you crazy?" Vision asked, staring at Tony as if he had turned mad.

"I told you, we are not having him at the tower!" Tony shouted and it attracted the attention of a few members of the team.

More specifically, Natasha, Steve and Bucky.

"Please stop, can't you see what that boy Matt is doing to you guys?" Vision asked sadly.

Natasha, Steve and Bucky saw Peter lying on the bed in the center of the medical bay, and their eyes narrowed.

Natasha wanted to walk towards Peter and rip out that IV drip. But Vision stopped her before she could even reach a two metre radius of Peter.

This tense moment held on for a few minutes, and by then, Wanda and Loki had already reached and had come up to the medical bay.

"Hey, we got his stuff. What is go-" Wanda stopped her sentence midway upon the sight of Natasha, Steve, Tony and Bucky glaring at Vision, with Vision glaring back.

"Now!" Loki shouted and Wanda quickly used her magic to snap them out of their trance. Without Matt there to stop them, she successfully did so.

"Wow, I feel like I just woke up from the ice again." Steve groaned as he rubbed his head and leaned against the wall.

Peter had woken up due to the commotion and he gaped at the scene before him.

"Oh my gosh, what happened to him?" Tony asked worriedly as he reached out to hug Peter, but Peter flinched and avoided Tony's arms.

"Matt, that kid, was controlling you." Loki explained simply as Tony, Steve, Natasha and Bucky stared at each other incredulously.

"In fact, the star is walking towards us right now." Wanda informed them as she used the powers to pin down a walking Matt, and knocked him out.

"We can't put him anywhere, his powers could easily manipulate people." Vision said and the rest nodded.

"Umm... Can I have a bucket or something, I don't feel too good," Peter whispered softly as he felt bile rising in his throat.

Wanda quickly levitated a bucket underneath of where Peter's mouth was, right before he threw up.

Tony went up to rub a hand on Peter's back as Loki and Wanda went to look for the rest of the team to snap them out of their trance without Matt in the way.

"Hey, I'm so sorry, bud. I didn't mean to do what I did. I am so, so sorry." Tony apologised profusely to Peter and Peter nodded weakly.

After a few minutes of Tony comforting Peter, Peter was suddenly engulfed in hugs by the whole team.

He recoiled a little at the touch, but soon melted against Tony and the rest.

He never wanted to stop this hug.

It was the best feeling ever.

Word count: 898

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