"Things and people, aren't so stable"

Start from the beginning

"So here's where we found the dead body of the ubers driver. He was hit by a rod on his back of head. And died instantly because of that, as we have been reported. We have found marks of struggles on the seats. And the victim had many scratch marks all over his neck and face. The killer hasn't been caught yet. Officers are assuming the killer is a girl. Which probably could be the last passenger seen with the victim. Because of interrupting and condemnation of the evidence, the police are not able to track down that girl. But I hope our East Costarica Metropolitan Police will find it out, soon. Keep on watching ECCN (east costarica crime news) with us, for more updates on this case. I'm She--"

My mother turned off the TV. I could barely see things with my blurred out vision. All I was doing was, grabbing my mother's hand tight and try to stay calm.

*text beepp*

Samantha: hey DUMMY why did you ditch us today?

Samantha: by the by missed you a lot.

Samantha: ma and pa said hello and merry christmas to you and uncle and aunty...

Samantha: call me soon!!! :/

Holy: sam?

Samantha: typing...

Samantha: heyyy... where were you dummy? [▪_▪°]

Holy: something happ seen/sent🚀

Samantha: what happ? HOL?? not send🚫

"Sorry the user @Holy_C is corrently deactivated"

The next thing I remembered was my dad breaking my cell phone into pieces and beating my mother.
Next morning, I found my mothers dead body hanging on to the ceiling and my dad's note on the table, which says~

"You were just a god damn mistake of mine, Holy"

I was all alone sitting under the body of my mother. Until it was past evening, when Sammy came. She called her parents and then ambulance, police the whole house filled with people but all I wanted was to let out everything. But the suicide note of my mother was something that locked off my mouth. She wrote,

"Whatever I did that day to the uber driver, it was my fault. Cause he tried to rob me. Accidentally that muder happened. I was scared and before anyone knows, I cleared the call history from his cell phone and condemned the evidence. But the guilt inside me is taking over my mind and I can't take this anymore. I'm sorry"

I didn't know after reading that, what should I say to anybody. My dad left me with an abundant note. My mom killed herself because of what? For something that she actually didn't.
In a complete package of abundance and sorrow.

It was been 3days since all those happened. Sammy's parents asked me to shift with them. But my dad came by after the ambulance abducted my mom's body. He had talked to police and docs about everything he knew what happened that night. But all I knew was he wasn't the ideal daddy for any child.

The absence of my mom took me to her room, mostly closet where she used to keep the cards, gifts and pictures of her and mine. Taking her stuff out reminded me, how my mom used to be annoyed whenever anyone touches her personal things. But she never restricted me from that. Her belongings weren't enough to lessen my heartache. I found a diary over there. A cute aqua blue colored scrap book. Totally my mom's favorite color.

"Holy" a familiar sound waved my ears.
I turned my back and saw my dad. Standing on the door. With a little bit of sympathy on his eyes and a cup of white wine with cigar on his left hand.
"what is it?" I asked while taking out the stuffs including the diary.
"How are you doing, honey?" he asked.
"Why? You want something?" I ignored eye contact.
"Holy I know you are upset because of your mothers suicide and mostly about the fight that your mom and I had before her--" before he finishes I aggressively pushed him away from the door and locked it off. And went to my room with the stuff of my mom.

*Calling Ringg*

✅Picked the call✔
"Hello, how are you?" I asked while biting my tongue and hoping to hear saying,
"Are you okay love?"
But, "Who's this speaking?" he asked.
"Ruben, it's me. Cameron Holy, you and I we were on the same English and Math course. Remember? " I replied with hesitation.
"Oh my god Holy hi! Really sorry. I didn't actually notice your number. But hey, how are you doing now. I heard about what happened to your mom. I'm really sorry! Like I know it sounds crazy but would you like to go out somewhere today? I just think it will lift up your mood at least a bit?" he finished. "Yeah sure" I replied.
"So I'll pick you up from your home at 4"
"Okay. Bye then!"
"Hey listen..." he said.
"Yes? "
"I love you okay and no matter what I'll always do"
"I love you too" I cut the call.

*Present*  (Holy's Point Of View)

But things and people aren't always so stable as they sounds.

To be continued......

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