Final Chapter

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Timmy open her eyes and saw her family in front of her. She immediately sits on the bed and look for her husband.

Timmy: Where’s Nicko? Where’s Nicko?

Trixie: Calm down Timmy. He’s in the operating room. They’re going to remove the bullet in his shoulder.  He will be fine. Just calm down.

Timmy: What? I’m going there! He needs me. I need to be there!

Mrs. Lee: No Timmy, You have to rest.
Timmy: But Mom, He needs me. He saved my life.

Mrs. Lee: I know. But you have to rest for your baby. Get some sleep Tim. We’re gonna wake you up if the operation is done.

Timmy nodded and didn’t insist anymore. She needs to rest for the sake of her baby. Nicko will be mad if she’s a hardheaded like this. She laid down again and get some sleep.


After the operation when Nicko woke up he insisted to see his wife.

Doctor: You have to rest. You’re not really recover yet.

Nicko: I’m okay now. I can walk. I need to see my wife.

Doctor: Okay okay. But take some rest after you visit Mrs. Ji.

Nicko: Thank you Doc.

Nicko stands up and walk from the room where his wife admitted. His wounds still hurt from the operation but ignored it because he really wants to see his wife. When he open the door and saw his wife lying in the bed he’s really excited to hold her tight.

Nicko: Honey I missed you…

Timmy was awake when Nicko kiss her and hold her tight. Timmy’s parents went outside to give them some privacy.

Timmy: Nicko.. Nicko..(Crying.)

Nicko: Sssshh. Stop crying. Its not good for our baby if you always crying like this.

Timmy wipes her tears and hold him back.
Timmy: Are you better now? How’s your operation? Is that hurts?

Nicko: No. Not really.  A little bit but its fine. I can handle this. I’m much worried about you. That moment, when I saw you tied up in the chair, It really scares me a lot. I can’t forgive myself because I left you alone yesterday. It kills me Honey. I don’t want this feeling. I don ‘t want to be apart with you Honey.

Timmy: I’m so scared too when I saw you got shot. It really haunts me when I’m thinking about that moment. I thought its the end of us. I’m so scared Nicko.

Nicko: Sssshh. Don’t think about that. The important thing is we’re safe now. Our baby’s safe. So nothing to worry about Honey. Let’s forget what happened. Betina will be punish according to the law. Stop thinking about her okay? From now on, I will not let anyone hurt my family. I will not let them hurt you anymore. I promise this will never happen again. I love you Honey….

Timmy: I love you…

After that incident Nicko hired three bodyguards for Timmy. He even add some securities in their house to protect his wife. They sue Betina for kidnapped and attempted murder. Betina’s father begging to forgive her daughter but Nicko didn’t accept his apologies. Nicko was really determined to sue Betina from what she did.

Trixie flight back to Canada after that incident. A few months later Timmy got their first born twins, a girl and a boy. Nicko took some vacation and hand over the company matters to his secretary Mr. Leu, he is now a temporary CEO of the company. Nicko bought a new mansion. He’s planning to move after the recovery of his wife from delivery. And that’s the end of the story. :)


This is not the typical love story you imagine that has the happy ending. Because in life, we have always face the struggles of being together. All you have to do is to fight for your love and never let it go or never let someone get it from you. Keep fighting for your love. You’ll pursue happiness in every single day of your life. Stay in love for better or for worst, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part.<3<3<3
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