Chapter 17: Someone is flirting

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Someone is trying to seduce Nicko. Its Betina a manager from Sales department and she is one of their family friends.  She sits on the table in front of Nicko wearing a short skirt. Ever since Nicko have lots of admirers in the office. Those girls actually cried when Nicko took his vow with Timmy.
Betina: I’m so glad that you’re back! I really miss the presence of the president here. You’ve been gone for so long.

Nicko: Because I spent a lot of time with my wife. And it has nothing to do with you. Get out of my office!

Betina is determine to seduce him and draw closer to Nicko while she’s sitting at his table.

Betina: You do change a bit. But your temper didn’t change. Don’t be so mean to me. We’re good friends right?(smiling.)

Nicko push her away and stood up on his chair.

Nicko: Are you trying to seduce me? Well I’m sorry it really don’t work. I’m married and I love my wife.

Betina: Timmy is just your secretary! She don’t deserve someone like Nicko Ji! She’s just an ordinary girl.

Nicko clench his fist when he heard those words. He wanted to punch Betina in her face but he stop himself.

Nicko: Out of my office. If I heard once again that you’re humiliating my wife and saying bad things in front of me I will really forget that you’re a woman and you’re one of Ji’s family friends.

He’s really scary this time. He didn’t look at Betina’s eyes when he’s talking. Nicko is so pissed off.

Betina: Okay Nicko. I’m just pestering you. Don’t be so serious.

And she left the office. Nicko really want to punch that woman but he chose to behave. He don’t want Timmy to know this incident. It will make his wife hurt. She knew Timmy will get hurt but will never say any words. She’s just accepting things and letting things just like its fine.

“I don’t want her to be hurt ever again. I don’t want her to suffer anything more!”


Nicko was interrupted when suddenly Timmy knock on the door smiling at him.

Timmy: Nicko! Surprise!(Alive)

Nicko: What brought you here Honey?

Nicko kiss Timmy in her lips and cuddle her a seconds.

Timmy: Its your first day so I decided to cook you Lunch and brought it here. Its almost Lunch Nicko. I want to be your first date in your lunch break.

Timmy is making her face cute like she’s a teenager giving her crush a box of lunch.

Nicko: You’re so cute.(Rubbing her hair.)

Timmy prepared their food in the side table.

Timmy: Let’s dig up! Come over here! Have a seat!

Nicko: Okay Honey. I’m coming!

He walks closer and hug his wife.

Nicko: Thank you Honey. Thank you for preparing these foods for us. Thank you for taking care of me. I’m so grateful to have you. You’re the best wife.

Timmy: Hmmm. You’re so serious today! Sit down and eat.(kiss him.)

Nicko is glancing at Timmy while they’re eating.

“It was too close! If she actually see Betina in my office I don’t know what will happen after. She knew Betina is flirting on me. I don’t want her to be hurt.”

Timmy: Hey! Nicko! Are you alright? Don’t you like it?

Nicko: No Honey! I like it so much. Its so delicious Honey.

Timmy smiles again that make Nicko at ease. She didn’t notice that he’s thinking something. And he don’t want to say it to Timmy.

Nicko: Honey?

Timmy: Mmm? Why?

Nicko: I’m wondering why I didn’t hear you calling me Honey. I want to make it special. We’re couples now. You shouldn’t call me on my name.

Timmy stop eating and stares at her husband.

Timmy: Even if I don’t call you that sweet way, you know that I love you and I will love you in every single day of my life.

Nicko smiles and feeling secured with Timmy’s answers.

Nicko: Yeah. I shouldn’t be so demanding husband.

After that conversation Nicko insisted to ride her home.

Timmy: I’m okay Nicko. You don’t have to. Our driver will send me home.

Nicko: But I insisted. You did this effort. I won’t let you go home without me!

Timmy’s smiling while touching the face of her husband.

Timmy: I’m not really used to it Nicko. You used to be as cold as ice. I used to be the one who always insisting.

Nicko: Let’s forget those memories Honey. Its in the past. I’ve change a lot because I love you.

Timmy: I’m sorry Nicko.(Sad face.)

Nicko:  Silly girl. Its okay. Don’t say sorry.

Nicko gives his wife a cute smile with chinito eyes. On their way out in the office the people around them are gossiping about Timmy. That she seduce Nicko just to marry her. That Nicko is generous so he marry Timmy because Trixie never love him again. Nicko can’t stand this anymore. He stop walking and face those gossiping girls.
Nicko: In what departments are you?!(High tone. Really scary.)

Those girls didn’t say anything because their supervisor interfere. They are all bow head.

Mr. Harris: Its from my department Sir Nicko.

Timmy didn’t expect that she will see Nicko as angry as this moment. Nicko look at Mr. Harris. His eyes are sharp and fierce.

Nicko: Oh? Its from Mr. Harris. Did you taught them to gossip around on this company?!

Mr. Harris: I’m so sorry Sir. It will never happen again.

Nicko: Yes. It will never happen again because they are all fired! I don’t like anyone gossiping about my wife! Do you think I didn’t hear you?

Gossip Girls: I’M SO SORRY SIR NICKO! DON’T DO THIS TO US! (Bowing their head over and over again.)

Nicko: Teach yourselves manners! Get out of my face! You are all fired! And if there is anything like this happen again I am not thinking twice either to fire you all! I’m not wasting money for your salary just to gossip around and talking about things and others privacy!

All employees didn’t expect the announcement of their boss. Nicko and Timmy leave them with no words to say. They are all doomed if they will gossip about Timmy. Betina was there too and witnessed how Nicko stand for Timmy’s reputation.

To be continued....

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