Chapter 13: A brand new life

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After that incident. They never see each other again. Timmy went home to her parents. She started to be close again with her sister. But after a whole day of conversation. She will always went in her bedroom and never stop crying. After a long break she had. She never forgets Nicko not even a single second. When he’s trying to talk to her, she’d always refuses and told to her family that she’s not at home when Nicko’s looking for her.

She stop crying when she heard her mother knocking on the door.

Mrs Lee: Timmy, Can I come in?

Timmy: A minute Mom. (Wiping tears.)

She opens the door and made a big smile to her mother.  Her mother sit on the side of her bed. Her mother noticed the tears in her eyes.

Mrs Lee: We have lots of regrets when it comes with decisions. I hope you never regret something Darling. ( smiling while rubbing her hair.)

Timmy: What do you mean Mom?

Mrs. Lee: If you really love Nicko, then go for it! You don’t have to hide your feelings anymore Darling. It shows even if you hide it.

Timmy: Mom. How can you said it so plain without thinking of what Trixie will feel? I’m going to be fine.

Mrs Lee: Looks like our little girl didn’t know something. You’re the only one who didn’t know everything.

Timmy: What do you mean Mom?

Mrs Lee: Why don’t you ask your big sister? I think Trixie should be the one who tell you this.

Her Mom left after their conversation. “What’s Mom trying to tell me? I don’t get it. Its clearly shows that Nicko and my sister are dating. But what on earth my Mom tell me to fight for my feelings? It can’t be. And why there’s some situation that Nicko was looking for me and wanted to talk even if I’m here? What if Nicko realized that he loves me more than he loves Trixie?”

So much questions in her mind. But she refuses to think of being positive. She’s thinking about the consequences if she never stop loving him. It will make a big marks and gap again between Timmy and her sister. She never want to lose the trust of her sister ever again. She decided to keep distances and escape the love that she has for Nicko.

To be continued.....

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