Chapter 22: Abducted

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After that incident Nicko make up things with Timmy. He always go home early to take care of his wife. He started to research about the do’s and dont’s of a pregnant women.

Nicko: You can’t drink cold water. And don’t eat too much sweets!

Timmy: But Nicko I want to eat ice cream.(Tantrums.)

Nicko: Don’t be so hardheaded. If I say no its probably NO.

Timmy making a long face. Nicko is always like that. Giving her orders not to eat these foods, not to do these. But she knows that Nicko doing these things because its all for the good of their baby. Timmy is 4 months pregnant now. Her belly is slightly bigger than usual.


One morning after Nicko left the house, Timmy decided to take a walk in the park. She was rubbing her tummy when suddenly a van park in front of her and force her to get in.

Timmy: No! Who are you! Where are you taking me?!

Timmy trying to fight but the three men are strong. One of them place a handkerchief in her mouth that let her sleep.

Timmy woke up and noticed that she’s tied up in the chair. She can’t clearly see who are the people in front of her. She felt dizzy and have no strength at all.

Kidnaper 1: I think she’s awake. Let’s call Madam.

She’s still dizzy and can’t clearly see but she heard the men talking with a woman. She can’t barely see the face of the woman in front of her. The woman suddenly slap her.
Betina: Hey hey. Wake up princess.

Timmy was shocked when she recognize the woman in front of her.

Timmy: Betina??!

Betina. Yeah. Yeah. Its me. Long time no see Cinderella.

Timmy: What do you want from me?!

Betina laughss and slap her again.

Betina: You know what I really want. But you stole it. And that Nicko, He fired me because I kissed him? I just want him to satisfied and taste some other woman but he hit me and cut out the connections between our families. Its all because of you! You little b*tch!

Timmy: I have nothing to do with that! You tried to seduce him that made him angry. Its your fault! Not mine!

Betina slap her again.

Betina: Shut up! How dare you stole what’s mine!

Timmy: I never stole anything! In the first place Nicko have no interest with you!

Betina: And so you have the guts to talk to me like that?! Ha?!

Then Betina started to slap her over and over again. Timmy never shed a single tears even her lower lips bleed. “Betina don’t deserve my tears.”

Betina: You’re so strong Timmy. You didn’t cry either. What if I punch your belly? Is that the thing that will make you cry?(Grinning.)

Timmy: NO! Please don’t do that! Hurt me but not my baby!

Betina: Let’s save it later. When Nicko is here I’m gonna kill you in front of him. (Evil laugh.)

Timmy: You’re crazy! you’re crazy!
Betina just laughing at her.


Nicko don’t know what to do when he knew that Timmy was kidnapped. Trixie flight back to Manila after she knew that Timmy was kidnapped.

Nicko: Mom, Dad. What will I do? I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to think something negative but it kills me when I’m thinking about my wife and our baby. What if they hurt my wife? I’ll never forgive myself! Its my fault. If I stay at her side, this will never happen. I’m so stupid!

Mrs. Lee: Calm down Nicko. The police is trying to find them. They will help us.

Nicko: But Mom, I can’t stand this. I want to find her too. I don’t like to sit here while my wife is in danger.

Mr. Lee: No Nicko. Just stay put. Just calm down. The police will find her.

Nicko: Its killing me Dad.

Trixie: Don’t worry Nicko she will be fine. She’s a strong woman, you know that. She will never let anyone hurt her especially your baby.

Nicko started to cry. He can’t do anything for his wife. Its going him crazy waiting for the police information.

An hour later. Nicko’s phone rings. The police connected some device to track the whereabouts of the unknown caller.

Nicko: Hello? Who’s this?

Betina: Oh my God! Did you miss me?
Nicko: Who’s this?

Betina: You easily forget me? I have your wife. She’s with me.(Evil laugh.)

Nicko: Betina?! Is that you??! Where’s Timmy?!

Betina: Oh relax Nicko. Relax. She’s fine. We’re having a good chat.

Nicko: Bullsh*t Betina! Don’t you dare hurt my wife and my baby! You’ll regret this Betina! Don’t touch them!

Betina: Oh I’m scared.(Laughing.) Do you think your yells will resolve this?

Nicko: What do you want?!

Betina: I don’t want anything but you. (Laughing.)

Nicko: You’re crazy Betina! Stop this bullsh*t! Where’s my wife?

Betina: She’s dead. And your baby. They’re dead Nicko.(Laughing.)

Nicko: No!.. No.! I don’t believe you!

Betina: You don’t believe me? Really?

Nicko: I’m giving you money. Get back my wife! Just don’t hurt them!

Betina: I told you I don’t need money. I want you Nicko.

Nicko: You’re crazy! Where are they? Please tell me. Where are they?! I’m begging you. Don’t hurt my wife. Don’t hurt them. I’m begging you.

Betina: How poor you are. You’re begging me now? I told you. I’m not an easy person.

Nicko; Please I want to see my wife. Where are you?!

Betina: Okay, I’m gonna tell you but you have to promise that you will go alone. You’re not gonna contact the police either to come with you. Deal?

Nicko: Yes. Deal! I’m not gonna tell them. Text me the exact location.

Betina: Okay. Bye Nicko.

To be continued...

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