The Battle for The Golden Age

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The feeling of belief was like having a heavy boulder lifted from your shoulders. It was feeling like a statue and then suddenly feeling like a feather. It was like living a life without aches and pains and light-headedness.

It happened to Tooth first. Tooth's feathers bristled and became a more vibrant version of their original colour. Her wings seemed to flap and flutter, gaining speed until they raised her off of the ground. Tooth glanced frantically round at her wings with a grin. In her joy, she zoomed to the heights of the buildings surrounding us.

"Yeah, Tooth Fairy!" The kids whooped and cheered.

The weight on my back from North's hand almost immediately dissipated as North stood up straight. His coat and skin also regained their vibrant Christmas attitude.

"Aha!" North exclaimed as he held up his swords triumphantly.

"Oh yeah!" A young boy with red glasses cheered excitedly.

At that moment, I felt a burst of energy spread through my entire body. Everything got louder, my eyesight focused on the finest details, I felt warmer.

Then I felt my physical form change. Inch long talons grew from my fingernails and a large pair of eagle wings sprouted from my back. Willow squeaked in my ear as she hopped up and down on my shoulder in excitement. A grin graced my features as I gave my wings a flap and was taken about two feet in the air before landing on the ground again.

"Oh, yes," I laughed as I retracted the talons on my right hand and took my knife from the ground. I spun and twisted it around my fingers before gripping the handle and glaring up at Pitch.

"She is so cool!" The girl in the beanie gushed. I couldn't help but smile at that analysis.

"No! Get them! Do your job!" A voice screamed down from the rooftops. At that order, the Nightmares began sprinting and practically trampling over each other to get to us. My grip around my knife got tighter as the Nightmares got closer and closer by the second.

"Oh yeah, come on, come on!" Bunny closed his eyes and waited in anticipation to be his old self again, but the rumbling of the Nightmares' hooves drew him from his excitement.

"Oh, Crikey!" Bunny yelled as he bounded away, the first wave of Nightmares right on his tail.

I glared at the Nightmares attempting to trample Bunny and sprinted in their direction. Willow tightened her grip on my shoulder, preparing for the bumpy ride. As I got closer, I flapped my wings and flew 3 metres off of the ground. I raised my knife and as I fell, stabbed down into the neck of one of the Nightmares. Once I landed, I slashed the chest of another Nightmare causing it to disintegrate.

The sound of two Snow-globe portals opening came from behind me. I turned around to see a stream of Yetis coming through each portal, ready to attack.

The kids laughed as three of North's flying toys flew over head and began destroying Nightmares.

"'M just a bunny!" I turned my head as Bunny scrambled under a car; a Nightmare reached under the car, bit down on something and pulled it out.

It was Bunny, but he was back to his regular, six foot self. He chuckled at the Nightmare's confusion. As did I.

"G 'day, mate." Bunny kicked upwards, did a flip higher into the air and threw his two boomerangs. The two Nightmares that were chasing him disintegrated as the boomerangs sliced through them.

As Bunny landed, he caught his two boomerangs with one paw over his shoulder. He smirked at the piles of Nightmare sand that now sat on the ground before hopping to the centre of the road.

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