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"This way, this way!" Bunny yelled as he hopped his way through different streets and alleyways. We'd been following him, trying to get Jamie away from Pitch. The streets were dark, and lit only by the street lamps.

We passed a truck and came face to face with a dead end. This dead end was decorated with only a large bin and more lights were mounted to the wall. Willow's claws dug into my shoulder as I skidded to an abrupt halt.

"Ahhh, dead end! Other way, other way!" Bunny waved at us to follow him back where we'd just come from. Tooth and Jamie skidded to a halt and followed Bunny. North hobbled to a stop, clearly struggling to keep up.

I stopped to wait for North, if we were to be split up then it's best to be split up in groups of two at least. As I turned to North, a loud thud echoed through the large alley we were in, drawing everyone's attention up.

Jack had fallen from the sky and hit the edge of a building. From there he fell and bounced off a dumpster onto the cold, hard ground with a grunt and a groan of pain. That must of hurt.

"Jack!" Jamie yelled, shock and fear for Jack laced his voice. Jamie and Tooth ran to Jack whilst North hobbled and Bunny hopped along. I followed them, keeping my eyes on the sky in case whatever knocked Jack down decided it wasn't finished with him.

"That was good try, Jack - A for effort." North patted Jack's back, but ended up knocking him back down to the floor. Jack grabbed for his staff and attempted to sit up into a kneeling position.

"He's stronger. I can't beat him," Jack told us solemnly, looking at us, hoping for another way. North simply looked up at Tooth with the same look that Jack had.

Is there nothing we can do? I looked at Jamie who knelt beside Jack, watching him with worried, fearful eyes. We can't let Pitch get to this kid. But if he does... if he does, would it take much for Pitch to break him?

The storm crackled once more, but rather than thunder following the lightning, it was a laugh. Pitch's laugh. It echoed through the alley, sending a chill down my spine. Moving as close as I could to Jamie, I pulled my knife from its holster and held it out towards the opening of the alley, where it was darkest.

Jack did the same, holding his staff and placing a hand in front of Jamie in a protective gesture. Pitch's voice didn't focus into one place but continued to echo.

"All this fuss over one little boy and still he refuses to stop believing!" Pitch's grating voice sent anger through my veins. The alley seemed to get darker as Pitch continued speaking. I felt Willow hide behind my neck with a squeak, using my hair as a curtain to hide herself from the Nightmare King.

"Very well. There are other ways to snuff out a light," Pitch implied, dragging a large shadow hand across the wall of the building next to us and destroying the lightbulbs that were nailed into the wall. Did he mean he would- that he would kill the kid, Jamie?

My grip on my knife tightened as I moved closer to Jamie; Jack seemed to do the same.

The small Bunny hopped forward and stood on his hind legs, holding his arms out in a protective manner.
"If you want him, you're gonna have to go through me!"

Immediately after Bunny's threat, a shadow hand glided along the concrete towards Bunny. Pitch's voice reverberated around the alleyway again.

"Oh, look how fluffy you are!" Pitch's shadow hand poked at Bunny from the ground.
"Would you like a scratch behind the ears?"

Bunny edged away from the hand, but eventually turning tail and jumping into North's hand with two quick hops.
"Don't you even think about it!" He growled.

The Tiger Lily - A Rise of the Guardians FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora