Jack Frost

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I had been tasked with finding Jack Frost and bringing him back to North's place. I was told his hometown is in a place called Burgess somewhere in America, so that's where I was now.

It must be around 7pm right now. I knew I was in the right place cause it was freezing. Jack Frost has to be here. I was jumping rooftops to try to get a good view of the place. After jumping a few more rooftops, I was finally up high enough to get a good view of the small town.

I was about to go to a different point in town to try and find him elsewhere, but I soon saw something pretty strange. A man was hanging upside down in front of a window. This man was wearing a blue jumper, was holding a long staff and had worn-out trousers on. I knew it was him so I sneaked closer to a rooftop which was on the opposite side of the house that he was at. He soon got up, walked around onto the rooftop and turned to the moon.

Ever since I died and was brought back, I discovered that my senses had improved greatly, for example I can hear a conversation from over 3 miles away or, see greater detail in nature. It's really helped me out a lot. Jack was on the other side of the street but I could easily hear what he was saying. His hood was up, partially covering his face. Jack looked up at the Man in the Moon.

"If there's something I'm doing wrong, could you just tell me what it is?" Jack asked the Moon.
"Because I've tried...everything! But no one ever sees me!" He continued. I could hear the pain and loneliness in his voice, and I found it really hard to listen to. I could really relate with what he is going through.

It's been 3 years since I was brought back by the Man in the Moon, for the first year, Sandy helped me figure out why I was brought back and helped me figure out my power to get children to believe in me. Turns out my speciality is animals. For example, I can communicate with animals, I can transform into animals, I try to protect animals from extinction by dealing with poachers. The way I can get kids to believe in me is by leaving them a homeless animal and leaving them a note telling them to look after it and leaving my name at the end of the letter.

I went back to listening to Jack after dwelling on his words. He then glared up at the Moon and said: "You put me here! The least you could do is tell me- tell me why..."
His voice broke a bit after saying that. I was told by Tooth that he's been around for 300 years and no one has believed in him in all that time.

Jack waited for an answer, but eventually gave up after the Moon stayed silent. He turned around and flew away. I turned around to look at the Moon.
"You could at least give him a helping hand, no one has ever believed in him for 300 years," I also got no response.

I crossed the street and landed on the house that Jack was just on, making sure I wasn't seen by him. Jack was balancing on a telephone line, frost making its way along the wire as his foot made contact with it. Soon after, Dream sand started drifting through the sky. Jack noticed this too. He pulled down his hood to reveal a head of messy, white hair.

I heard a gasp in my ear, scaring the life out of me! I turn my head to look at Willow, the small, grey rabbit who was now sitting on my shoulder, her eyes wide at the sight of Jack Frost. Every time she sees someone new, this is her exact reaction. She's such a weird rabbit.

I turned back to watch Jack and figure out a way to get him to that spot that the Yetis told me to get him. North's plan is to throw him in a sack and chuck him through a portal of his.

I heard Jack chuckle as he ran up to one of the streams of Dream sand and put his hand through it, causing it to spiral around his hand and then form into a dolphin. A stream came close to me, so I decided to do the same as Jack. I reached and put my hand through, causing it to spiral and form into the shape a wolf. I smiled at the sight of the fierce yet beautiful sand creature walking in the air in front of me. It soon moved on and Sandy's light show had ended.

I decided it was time to lead Jack to the alleyway I was shown by the Yetis. I told Willow to hold on tight, then transformed into a Peregrine Falcon, the fastest in the animal kingdom. I sped past Jack, probably scaring the life out of him, he pursued me, pushing off of cars, buildings and lampposts. He soon landed in the alleyway where the Yetis were hiding in the shadows. He took a defensive stance; I landed behind him in the shadows. I transformed back to my normal self and leaned against the wall, Willow climbed up a sat on my shoulder.

"Hi," I said, casually. Jack quickly turned around, his eyes landing on my silhouette. I walked out of the shadows so that I was in full view.
"Hello," I said again. Jack seemed to relax after he realised I wasn't going to do him any harm. His defensive stance melted away and he leaned on his staff.
"Hey," He said, cautiously. We'd never met before so obviously, me leading him to an alleyway was a bit strange.

"I'm Tiger Lily," I introduced myself.
"I'm Jack Frost," He said relaxing a lot more now. He then nodded towards Willow with a small smile on his face. Willow had decided to climb up and sit on my head to get a good look at the new guy.
"Who's that?" He asked, amused at the sight of my really weird rabbit.
"This is Willow," I answered simply. He nodded, the amused smile still on his face.

"I'm gonna get right to the point, you need to come with me," I stated. Jack looked at me strange.
"Why?" He asked, confused.
"Well, you'll probably not like what happens if you don't follow me willingly," I probably sounded really strange after that statement, but hey, I was telling the truth! The smile disappeared from Jack's face. It was replaced with a look of confusion.

Before either of us could say anything more, the Yetis emerged from the shadows, grabbed Jack by the hood of his jumper and shoved him in the sack. I'll have to apologise to Jack about the Yeti's way of treating him. Jack was kicking about and shouting from inside the sack.

One of the two Yetis that came with me here said something in their language to one of Norths snow globes and then threw it at the wall. The snow globe didn't smash, it opened to reveal a six foot tall portal.

The Yetis turned to me and gestured to the portal, they were asking if I was going with them. I nodded, pulled Willow off of my head and clutched her to my chest, then jogged up to the portal, and jumped through.


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