How to make your little smile :)

Comenzar desde el principio

Surprise your little

Get your little 'little' gifts

Set up a bubble bath

Let him or her draw a tiny heart on you

Check on your little's planner, chore list, or errand tasks

Make music with your little

Pick out their jammies, PJs, or sleep clothes

Cook with your little (and, sometimes, for your little)

Take your little to the zoo

Take your little to the library (and help them pick a little book)

Plan and go on a picnic

Take a walk with your little (and hold their hand)

Take your little stargazing

Visit a museum with him or her

Paint your little's toenails (or let them be silly and paint yours)

Make sure he or she has something to cuddle (on the couch, in bed)

Invite him or her to a special tea party (with their favorite stuffed friends)

Ask about your little's imaginary friends

Plan a themed date night

Plan a great adventure with them (even if it's silly and make believe)

Play board games with him or her

Play video games with him or her (or watch them play them)

Do arts and crafts with him or her

Give your little candy/sweets (but not too many)

Make your little hot cocoa with marshmallows

Help build blanket forts

Rub your nose gently against theirs to give special Eskimo kisses

Show them a place they've never seen before

Whisper "shhh" in your little's ear when they're upset

Wipe away their tears (always)

Take your little to see a children's movie in the theater (let them have a child's size popcorn too)

Sing with them when they break out into song

Call your little pet names such as: princess, prince, little one, doll, baby girl, baby boy, etc.

Appreciate little gifts they make and give you

Make a funny face at them in public

Scoop your little one up into your arms or lap

Watch cartoons with them

Make your little a healthy snack

Make a meal of special little foods

Give your little an allowance

Have your little complete chores (and check on their progress through the day or week)

Remind your little to wash their hands before they eat

Get things from places they can't reach

Rub his or her tummy when it hurts

Start a pillow fight

Shoot them with a water gun or nerf gun

Quote from their favorite little books and movies

Ask silly questions

Try to win them a prize at the carnival, fare, amusement park, or any crane machine

Take him or her somewhere where they need to dress up to go to

Ruffle their hair

Boop and bop their nose if their emotions are getting too intense

Let them wear your t-shirt/hoodie/clothes

Write a note and leave it somewhere for them to find as a surprise

Congratulate him or her for doing something they felt was difficult

Start their sleepy music at night to help them relax

Take your little to an amusement park, a carnival, or a fare

Take selfies and photo booth pictures with your little

Make pinky promises with your little

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