And Darcy. I saw her as a daughter. Or even a little sister. She was my friend. Now she was gone. My only source of happiness was gone. And little Michael. He was smart and his brains deserved to be shown to the world but never would be. He was gone too. They all were gone.

And now I was stuck with Edmond. We didn't get along at all and Edmond never talked to me much. But like before. I was determined to survive this. We made it to an island. And that was a big enough sign for me to keep going. Thrive more than I have ever before. I was ready to let go of the past— no matter how much it hurt— I was ready to kick the untamable and unforgiving life I had straight in the bin. I'm not going to take crap from anyone. Especially myself. Lookout. I'm coming.

And with that, I continued to sob myself to sleep...

Day 15, Morning

I blinked a few times before my body slowly woke up and adjusted to my surroundings. Still on the sand next to Edmond, hopefully not internally bleeding, I sat up slowly. I had a surging headache. My joints popping from lack of movement for two days now I assume. It could be longer and I would know.

What I thought about last night came crashing back down to my senses. What I said about them all. I miss them already. But the only way to survive this is to be strong.

I lifted my hand to my still very swollen eye and winced. There was definitely sand in there I needed to get out before it gets infected.

Using my last good eye, I took in my surroundings. I looked behind me and I was faced with palm trees and a few other trees. Sadly, no sign of civilization. But I could faintly see fruits from the tops of the trees. Just thinking that made my stomach growl. I was starved to the point in which whenever my stomach growled, I was faced with a torturous pain in my stomach. A sharp pain that only continued over time.

I'd get food later. But I need to clean my self up. Facing forward I saw we fell asleep where we landed previously. Right by the shoreline. I crawled my way over to the trees and picked a leaf from the sandy ground. I inspected it to make sure it wasn't poisonous. I didn't know much about plants but I knew the saying: leaves of three, leave it be. So, in that case, I knew I wouldn't rub poison ivy on my face. That'd be bad.

Holding the leaf in one hand and using my other hand to brace my self all the way to the shoreline I eventually made it there with time.

Sitting right at the rim of the ocean, I sat lazily and dipped the leave in the water. I brought the leaf to my eyes and carefully swiped over it.

I howled in pain but continued knowing it was for my best benefit. Maybe if I cried I could get some sand out. But we all know I did enough of that last night...

Just the thought of that made tears takes over again. My eyes were already swollen, and it being swollen from crying for 14 hours straight made it thousand times worse. The appearance wasn't even an issue with me anymore.

I thought back to the day when I'd worry about my hair or makeup. I shuddered at the thought. If I could see myself now I would have never guessed in be in this predicament.

Going back to my injuries I scrubbed off dried blood. My eye opened slightly so that was a good sign. Now being able to see from one eye and starting to see from the other it was going good so far.

I pulled my knotted and matted hair behind my ears and felt my body for any gashes for bruises. I checked for all my limbs to all still be there and I was good. Ten toes and ten fingers? Check. Two legs and two arms? Check. Are teeth still intact? Check. Beating heart? Barely.

I took in a deep ragged breath and enjoyed the fact that I was on land. I stood up and practiced my walking. Luckily nothing seemed broken, but I had bruises all over from what I could only see on my legs and arms. I had minor cuts too. And I'm guessing a broken pinky finger, but besides all that I was good.

I walked in a straight line and got used to using my feet on land for the first time in what seems like forever.

I looked into the small forest and it wasn't too thick but enough to where I wouldn't go fully alone. Not yet at least.

I shakily made my way over to Edmond. He wasn't moving but he was still breathing. I think? I checked his pulse just to be safe and it was still beating. I sighed in relief and walked closer to the edge of the palm trees.

I looked at the tan tree trunk and smiled to myself. While smiling my lips cracked and burned. I brought my finger to my lip and pulled it back when I felt blood. I frowned and looked back at the tree. There were a few low hanging leaves that were bigger than my head.

I pulled them down with a snap and collected the leaves in my arms. I grabbed a few sticks and rocks as well.

Making my way towards Edmond I sat beside him and hummed a tune. I hummed a random song just to keep my spirits up. I haven't felt somewhat happy in what felt like so long.

I brushed the sand off of his chest and hair ever so carefully as to not hurt him. I liked him better when he didn't talk to me, but right now I'd do anything to talk to someone.

I stuck a huge leaf into the sand right next to his head. I put some rocks around it and used the sticks to hold it up. This cast a shadow over his face, and hopefully, it would cool him down a bit. I, on the other hand, was covered in sweat. It was beyond humid here.

I stuck the leaves around his body until he was covered in enough shadows to cool off and I felt satisfied with my first accomplishment.

I looked around wondering what to do next. I saw a plastic container being washed up the sand. I stumbled over the hot sand that my feet were already used to and plucked the tub from the wet sand.

"This will do," I said softly. If it rains I can use this for water storage. If not, I'll find a use.

I set the container next to Edmond and look around. I let out a huff of frustration when I see a deflated yellow raft sitting helplessly under a tree.

I stomped my way over there and looked down at it in rage. "You little stupid piece of worthless trash!!" I screamed and started kicking it. "I hate you!!" I yelled letting all my anger out.

I picked it up and threw it as far as I could. I flipped it off and stomped back to the spot by Edmond and felt strangely a little bit refreshed. After a few seconds of thinking through my actions that was probably one of the weirdest things, I've done so far.

I chuckled to myself and snatched a big leaf before sitting down next to Edmond with a sigh. I held the leaf perfectly just so it hit the right spot and shadowed my head from the scorching sun and broiling heat.

"Why us Edmond?" I said to him even though I didn't expect a reply. But when He did I froze.


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