Chapter 11

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“Hey, I’m hungry, let’s eat,” Dylan grumbles.

“What do you want?” I ask.

“Anything but pizza, I’ve eaten pizza so much this week.”

“Cool, Chinese then?” I suggest, looking around the room.

I get a chorus of agreements then call up the Chinese restaurant and order.

After I order the food and end the call, my phone starts ringing.

Room to breathe by you me at six starts blasting through my phones speakers.

I look at the caller and hold my breath.

Medical Centre

I look up at Aiden who is watching me cautiously.

“Who is it?” he asks slowly.

I take a breath, “The Medical Centre.”

He looks alarmed, “Answer it!”

I look at my phone for a second longer then answer it.


“Hello, is this Ms Ava Williams?”


“We have your results to the tests you took a few days ago.”

“You do?”

“Yes, we received them earlier today.”

“When do I pick them up?”  

“Tomorrow if that is okay, we are just closing up now.”

“Okay, well thankyou. See you tomorrow.”


I end the call and look up at my brother, “The results are in. We have to pick them up tomorrow.”

He lets out a relieved sigh.

Someone clears their throat. I turn to look at Daniel sending us a questioning look.

I completely forgot that they were here.

“Is everything alright?” he asks.

“Yeah,” I send him a reassuring smile.

Living life as Ava Williams (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now