Chapter 5

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Today the day has gone impossibly slow. All the classes seemed to go on forever and the moment the lunch bell rang, I sprinted to the cafeteria and waited for my best friend; Emily to join me. I didn’t have time today to explain what happened yesterday but today I’ll tell her. I wonder if hell is going to go loose today. Justin says it will.

“Ava!” I turn around to see Daniel and his little posse coming towards me. His posse including; himself, Josh Simmons, Blake Gale and Dylan Flynn. Occasionally Aiden and his friends; Ryan Allen and Derek Green are with them. Lots of names, I know.

“Yo!” I reply.  

“What is going on? Aiden has been fuming,” Daniel exclaims with his friends nodding in agreement, “I asked him if something was wrong but he just told me to not worry. He’s one of my close friends, what’s going on?”

“Uh, well, it’s kind of a long story and maybe if you ju-“ I was cut off with an indeed, fuming Aiden shouting my name. He marched up to me.

“I know who did it!” he yelled in my face, while running his hand through his hair.

“Sheesh, stop screaming, and yes I’ve been told that you found out. Now tell me who the hell did it.”

“I’m sorry but is something going on here? I’m seriously lost right now.” Daniel says.

“You’re not the only one.” Dylan mumbles.

We all just look at him and then Aiden breaks the silence. “Mate your always lost.”  I was just about to ask again, about who tried to stuff up my life, when I took notice of Aiden in his ‘bear mode’.

Let me tell you one thing.

His bear mode is not pretty.

When he is in his ‘bear mode’ it consists of; glaring to his victim, nostrils flaring, and his face turning the shade of a tomato.

I notice he isn’t looking at me and is focusing his attention to something else or a rather someone else. I follow his gaze to see he is shooting daggers to the one and only Megan Baker; school bitch. Hold on a minute. Baker. Megan Baker. Holy crap. The words are spinning around in my head.

“One of the workers of our company, Mr Baker, announced that his daughter has said some displeasing things about you."

"Baker? I don't even know this dude! And what the actual hell did this guy’s daughter say to him, to make you guys ruin your my life?!"

So this is the bitch that tried to stuff up my life.

So let me guess, you guys are wondering why she would do something like this.

Well, last year around the same time as now, she was dating Aiden. Constantly over our house, bitching about me who, may I mention this, her boyfriend’s sister. She was always treating me like shit, and picking on me because I only have one best friend or because I’ve never had boyfriend. The littlest things, she would pick on me about.

I was telling Aiden and he was claiming that he just wanted peace between his twin and his girlfriend. He was always trying to fix things, and thought that I would over exaggerate when I told him the things she would say. She honestly had no reason to be such a bitch to me. Well she is an A-class bitch, no wait, correction, she is the A-class bitch. So Aiden was out one day with Tyler and Megan had showed up.

So I let her in and she had started on how ugly I was, or how I had no curves. She was constantly putting me down for her gain. After she had told me all these things it was then that I noticed my two fuming older brothers. That’s when Aiden cracked; he dumped her sorry ass for treating me like shit. It was later on while they were having an argument He had found about her cheating on him with some college guy or guys, I honestly have no idea. So since then she’s been after for what she calls ‘revenge’ or what I prefer to call it; ‘pain in the ass tactics’. I mean, like, what the hell did I do? Huh? Nothing. I guess this was part of her pain in the ass tactics to ruin my life.

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