Chapter 1

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Edited :)

"Ave, don't you dare eat that Oreo it was mine first!" Yep, that's me, Ava. Right now I'm sitting on the tanning chair by the pool, arguing with my twin brother about whose going to eat the last Oreo. With five kids in the house, you'll probably understand that food gets eaten really fast, the grocery receipt goes on and on. I'm by the pool in my neon green bikini while my brother is in his neon green board shorts and since where twins, it's kind of obvious that people expect us to be the same or wear the same colours. Wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. This neon green thing going on is just a, as my younger brother calls it 'coincidence'. Bullshit. Justin the little brat also the youngest of us kids, put my bikini and Aiden's board shorts in a bucket and soaked them in green food dye, neon green to be exact. So my once white bikini and Aidens's once white boards shorts are currently green not to mention, blinding.

"Aiden if you don't shut the hell up, I'm literally going to stuff it in my mouth while I spill my half full cup of milk on you." I state.

"You guys are both so annoying, I'll eat the damn Oreo!" Justin runs up and pushes both me and Aiden in the pool while he eats the last Oreo. He doesn't even leave a damn crumb. Stupid younger brother.

"Justin. I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You." I scream, but because I'm currently in the pool I just cannot be bothered getting out and chasing him.

"Aiden?" I ask slowly

"Ave?" He asks back

"Go get him I can't be bothered leaving."

"Lazy piece of shit." He mutters.

"Excuse me, what'd you say." Anger rising in my throat.

See, where twins right? We're meant to stick together but when it comes to Oreo wars or anything got to do with snacks, we're on our own.

"He called you a lazy piece of shit!" Justin screams from inside the house.

I mentioned we're five siblings, right? Yeah well there's two sets of twins and then Justin. Tiffany and Tyler are the older set of twins their 19 years old. Yeah, they still live with the family but they're barely around. Tiffany is usually out shopping or working or catching up with her friends. Tiffany she's nice, except when someone gets on her nerves, and let me tell you, then it gets nasty. I'm close with her, sometimes she's cool to hang out with. It's kinda nice to have another girl around the house sometimes. Tyler, yeah his her twin, as in my oldest brother. He's the player kind. You know? Hookups left, right and centre, with random girls. But boy is he protective of the people he loves. Especially with Tiffany and I. Tiffany not so much because they were in the same grades growing up they have the same friends, and he knows what goes on in her life. But me, well let's just say I have three brother that are constantly on my back. It feels good to know they care but sometimes a girl just wants privacy. Tyler's pretty cool I wouldn't hesitate to say I love him. His always out to, with friends or working at his friends garage, but he calls a few times a day to see if we're okay. Both him and Tiffany are both working to save money for college.

Then there's me and Aiden. Aiden and I are also twins. We're 17, he's 40 seconds older then me. To him those 40 seconds were and I quote 'best 40 seconds of his life' but then sometimes he says 'you're my baby sister'. Pfft yeah 'cause 40 seconds is so much older. But other then his annoying and in his eyes 'charm' he's alright. Aiden is popular without a doubt, he has those occasional hook ups just like Tyler but he knows when to stop. And just like Tyler he's very protective. See, that's the thing, Tyler gives Tiff a break but still protective but Aiden, of course not. Don't get me wrong, it makes me feel comfortable that he's got my back and is protective and all but sometimes I have to give him these lectures about how he should back down a bit. Not that he listens but it's still worth a try. He can be annoying but hey, he's a boy and my brother I wouldn't expect anything less.

Living life as Ava Williams (on hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang