Chapter 7

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sorry for any mistakes I didn't edit this chapter as well as the others, I have to go through all my chapters and edit, yeah sorry and enjoy :)

Today I’m going to the doctors to get my tests done for the stupid and completely unnecessary bullshit Megan fed her dad.


I hate needles.

They really, really hurt.

What? I’m a wuss don’t judge. 

So it’s Tuesday after school and brothers and I are on our way to the doctors.

After we came home from the ice-cream place yesterday we were all so tired so we went straight to bed, and today at school was just like a normal day.

Emily and I just sat around at lunch talking about all the stuff that has been going on.

I told her everything, and let’s just say she didn’t take it well. She went insane, claiming that she’s going to stick her foot up Megan’s ass and then shove it in her mouth.


So we just talked about that and I’d say hello to the guys when they passed me and they’d ask if I was okay from yesterday.

It was really cute.

We parked our car in the parking lot, walked in and told the receptionist about my appointment. While we were waiting for our turn I was on my phone reading while my brothers were playing some multiplayer game on their phones.

“Ava Williams.” I look up to see my name being called and the doctor ushering me into her office. She asks me a few questions and then pulls out the needle.

“Okay, so this is just going to prick a little.”

My eyes widen and I start stuttering.

I have a massive fear of needles, you know? If you haven’t noticed.

“So Ava, Daniel so has the hots for you.” Justin suggests with the wiggle of his eyebrows.

“What? No he doesn’t. Don’t even suggest that.” I exclaim.

“You know, your right, don’t you think that he and Megan would make a cute couple.”

Why my blood starts boiling, I may never know. 

I glare at Justin, “What the hell is wrong with you? Megan is a bitch and after what she has done to both Aiden and I she doesn’t deserve a man in her life,” I state.

He just smirks at me.

“All done.” The doctor exclaims with a friendly smile.

I look down at my arm to see a small bandage. I quirk an eyebrow. I honestly didn’t even feel that.

She must’ve seen the look on my face because she looks at my brothers and then me and then says, “Your brother did a good job at distracting you. Seemed like a pretty heated argument.”

That’s when I realise that Justin was trying to distract me by getting me mad.

Well it worked.

Remind me to buy him some skittles.

He loves those little suckers.

“Okay, we will send you the results within the next week. Have a nice day.” The doctor informs us.

“Thankyou.” I smile at her and then my brothers and I walk away.

“Wasn’t there any other way to distract me other than making me mad?” I huff.

Living life as Ava Williams (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now