Room 394

184 3 0

Draco's POV

I haven't left this room since we got here. Refusing to leave her side, they checked me out while sitting in her ICU room. I just had a mild concussion and some scrapes and bruises. Nothing compared to her.

She lies there still. Unconscious from the meds, with tubes coming out of her. They had to put her in a medically induced coma to help her body heal. She ended up needing an exploratory laparotomy, (exploring the abdomen area to stop internal bleeding) that didn't go as smoothly as hoped and they also had to have a chest tube put in, to help with the pneumothorax (collapsed lung).

December 23th at 3:28 am

After being here in the ICU for 3 days the beeps of the machines and the smell of disinfectant becomes almost nonexistent.

As I lay here in this small uncomfortable blue chair, that is in all of the rooms here in the ICU, I listen to the ticking of the clock. Approximately 87 seconds and the nurse will be in. There are 3 that come and go throughout the night. Two of them are just regular nurses and they sometimes take turns coming to check on her, then there's the head nurse, the one that's in charge for the night.

For the past two days, it's been Thomas who has kept me sane. He may just be one of the regular night nurses to most, but to me, he's the reason I don't spend my nights crying. He's the one that's actually woke me up to let me know how she's doing when he checks on her. The one who has talked to me about what happening and actually explained it all, unlike the doctors. They just throw medical shit at me and expect me to know what they are talking about.

"Hey, Draco. What are you still doing up? Didn't we agree that you need sleep as much as she does?" The familiar voice says walking into the room.

"How do you know I wasn't asleep and your loud overly cheerful self just woke me up?" I retort back.

"Probably because I've been in here for 2 minutes already, just listening to you mumble to yourself. " He says laughing while writing down her stats.

Then just like the past few nights he sat down on the doctors' chair and wheeled over towards me. Then pulling the tray over between us took a deck of cards out of his pocket.

"Alright old man you know the rules. You lose 3 times I get to check your vitals." He says with a smile.

"Piss off Thomas I'm not old!" I say sitting the chair up and turning to the tray to play.

December 25th at 11:45 pm

"Please Hermione." I plead with tears in my eyes. "DAMN IT!!" I yell standing up and kicking the chair out from behind me.

They said Christmas. They said she should be better. They said they would be able to take the chest tube out and wake her up. But did they? NO!! They just gave me some bull shit about how the medication can take a while to wear off and that it's not set in stone when she'll actually wake up, but that it should happen soonish. I can't do this!! I need her to wake up. I need to hear her voice!!

I swing my fist towards the wall, and before I know what was happening I feel two arms wrapped around me from behind holding my arms down and as I fight them sobbing.

"Do you really want her to wake up to this?!" He shouts back at me. "Calm the fuck down. She needs you here and healthy. Not broken and banned from the damn ICU!"

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