Ch. 37

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Today was the day. The day Becky would make her first Raw appearance back since having Charlie. A very tired Lachlan made his way into the kitchen bouncing the infant. He had slept in the nursery to ensure that the redhead got some much needed rest before tonight.

"Lach give me her go get some rest." He didn't even get the chance to protest. Charlie was taken from his arms before he was pushed from the kitchen.

"Bex I'm fine." She shook her head as her lips met his.

"No you're not love. You have to look like a human not a zombie tonight." She said as her thumb gently ran along his cheek. "Please go get some rest." He reluctantly nodded before she saw him slink back to their room. It was then that she heard someone unlock their door.

"Give me my godchild." Charlotte said the instant she was in front of the redhead.

"Do you not know how to text?" Becky asked as she passed her daughter to her best friend.

"Well I was gonna but I wanted to surprise you." The redhead rolled her eyes. She knew Charlotte was going to show up at some point because their show tonight was in LA. "What? I'm just happy you're back Bex." The blonde said before she was pulled into a hug. "Where's big dumb idiot?"

"Sleeping, he was up with her all night." Charlotte shook her head.

"Everyone needs a man like him." Becky nodded before they moved towards the couch. "You ready?" It didn't even take a second for her to nod.

"I can't wait. I just wish it was eight." The blonde started to laugh.

"So do I. I can't wait to give Lachy shit." The Lass Kicker started to laugh.

"You know he has no idea right?" The double champ nodded.

"Like I said. I can't wait." Becky slowly moved before her head was resting along the blondes shoulder. "How've you been Bex?"

"Good. It's just been tiring." As her best friend nodded they both heard footsteps moving towards them.

"It's too fucking quiet in there." Lachlan said as he sunk down next to his wife. Charlotte for the first time witnessed his much larger body curl into Becky's smaller form. His nose buried into the back of her neck as his arm loosely draped around her.

Nearly a minute later the blonde poked his cheek. She got nothing in response from him.

"What is he just a large child?" The redhead shook her head.

"No he's a big teddy bear. That's why he's so good with her." When Charlotte shook her head Becky gave her a questioning look.

"He's good with her because he puts her before anything. He would stay up all night at the drop of a hat for her. He's amazing with her because he loves you both more than anything." Immediately she knew she couldn't fight her best friends words because they were true and nothing was going to change that.

Lachlan woke up to Becky gently shaking him. When she saw his eyes open her lips gently met his temple.

"You have to get up Love. We need to leave." He sighed as he slowly nodded. "You can sleep in the car Lach. Char and I got everything packed for Charlie." Her lips met the top of his head before he gently separated from her.

"What time is it?" He said as he rubbed his eyes trying to wake himself up.

"Three." He groaned before he went to change. When he came back the two began their slow walk to the car. It was then that they saw Charlotte struggling to strap Charlie into the car seat.

"Her arm goes through that strap Char." She glared at him before she got Charlie strapped in. "Don't give me that look you'd have learned it eventually." He said as he moved to the other side of the car and slipped into the back seat. As the two women moved into the front his head hit the window. He was asleep by the time Charlotte pulled out of the driveway.

"Wow has he slept at all since she came home?" Becky's eyes slowly scanned his body.

"Doesn't seem like it Char." She said quietly before she turned back to face the road.

The second the car stopped at the arena he was awake. As the two grabbed their bags he unhooked the car seat from its base and followed the girls in with Charlie in tow. He kept the infant close still hesitant to have her in public. Becky however was still not ready to be without the infant even for a few hours. It took her hours to convince Lachlan to come to Raw with her and bring their daughter. Hours that to her were worth it.

As they walked to their dressing room heads turned as they passed other superstars. Nobody but Charlotte and the McMahon's knew about Becky's return. It wasn't even a minute after they walked into the room that it began to fill up. The second Charlie was set on the counter others began to gather around her.

"Bex can I hold her?" Brie Bella asked almost instantly.

"Of course." Becky could tell the hesitation Lachlan had towards all of this. Gently she pulled him closer to her before her hand ran along his lower back. "Relax Lach. There's nothing to worry about. They all know what they're doing." His arm wound gently around her shoulder before he lightly leaned into her.

"I'm allowed to worry Bex." She rolled her eyes.

"I am too but sometimes you just need to relax you worry too much sometimes. Nothings going to happen to her." He rolled his eyes before she hit his side.

The two watched as Charlie was passed between every wrestler in the room. Each one fawned over the two and a half month old. It was when the show began that everyone was kicked out. Lachlan grabbed Charlie before moving to stand outside the door as both Becky and Charlotte needed to change.

It was when the blonde came out dressed in leather that he questioned it. He watched Charlotte disappear down the hall. Slowly he bounced the infant in the quiet hall until he heard footsteps coming towards him. The blonde had both belts in her grasp as she made a beeline towards him.

"What do you think you're doing here?" The camera was on her as it was aired on the Jumbotron and across the world. The camera panned to Lachlan who had a smirk on his face. His head turned revealing the locker room sign that had Becky's name on it. As his eyes flicked to hers his grin turned evil.

"Just came to see the show."

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