Ch. 32

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By the time the four women were allowed back into they all saw Lachlan hooked up to all sorts of IVs. The doctor gently led Becky out of the room so they could talk.

"We were able to remove the entire mass from his lungs without having to open him up. He got lucky as we only had to remove a small triangle of his lung around the tumor with a laparoscope. There should be no need for Chemo as long as he regularly goes to his appointments and gets his scans done. Do you have any questions Mrs. Lynch?" She shook her head before the doctor left.

"Well that's good news Bex." Ronda said. They all had heard the conversation through the door. She nodded before she moved to sit next to Lachlan. "I'm going to go grab something to eat. You want anything Bex?"

"My god just get a pizza Ronnie." Charlotte stated before Becky threw a pillow at her.

"Not everyone wants pizza Char. But I'm honestly not hungry." The redhead said as she gently took his hand.

"We all know that's bullshit Bex." Lachlan said his voice very hoarse. "You haven't eaten all day unless they got you to eat something." As his eyes met hers he knew the true reason why she hadn't eaten.

"We'll go and get something. You want a shake or something Lach?" He nodded.

"I would love that. I feel like they shoved sand paper down my throat." The two blondes and Paige left just as a doctor came in and explained everything that had happened.

"Would you like me to have the nurse order you anything to eat?" He shook his head.

"I'm not truly hungry right now." Even Becky knew that was a lie but she also knew he would just ask the girls to grab him something. Once the doctor left he turned to the redhead. "If you're not on this bed cuddling with me I.." He couldn't even finish his sentence. She was on the bed in seconds her head gently resting along his shoulder. "I'm fine Bex. Nothing to worry about anymore." She nodded as her eyes closed.

He texted Charlotte to get him food before he gently turned. His arms were around the redheads body in seconds. Her head buried into his neck.

"Thank god you're only here for a day. This bed is fucking uncomfortable." He lightly laughed before his lips met the top of her head. As she fell asleep his phone rang in his hand.

"We're going to In and Out what do you want?" His arm gently wound around the redhead as he answered Paige's question.

"Honestly just fries and a shake." He replied quietly.

"And her?" He chuckled lightly.

"Add a burger and she'll be cool." He could hear Paige's laughter on the other end.

"She's asleep isn't she?" As if on cue Becky's face buried even more into him.


By the time the three got back the two of them were asleep on the bed. Gently Charlotte shook Becky's shoulder. It was then that the redhead stopped Ronda from doing the same to Lachlan.

"Let him sleep more. Neither one of us really slept last night." She said as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. As she shifted up the bed his head immediately moved into her lap. Her fingers instantly began to move along his scalp as his head buried into her.

"Awe he's too cute Bex." Charlotte stated before the redhead laughed.

"Only when he's asleep Char." All four of them laughed. It's was when he groaned that her fingers moved to gently stray along his face.

By the time Ronda, Paige and Charlotte left it was nearing eight in the evening.

"Bex you don't have to stay." She lightly laughed.

"I'm not going anywhere Love, so stop trying to get rid of me." She said before her lips met his forehead.

"I'm not trying to get rid of you. I just don't want you to be uncomfortable." Her arms gently squeezed his shoulders.

"Haven't you realized by now that you're my comfort and that being without you make me uncomfortable. I don't sleep when you're not with me Lachy. It's almost impossible because I'm so used to your big ass arms squeezing me every night." He laughed quietly before his face buried into her neck.

"You're my comfort too Bex." He replied quietly. "And trust me love I can't sleep without you either. There's nothing like waking up to a face full of your hair." Her lips brushed lightly along his temple. "Just know you're my one and only Rebecca. Nothing will ever change that." Her fingers met his chin before she tilted his head. Her lips almost instantly connected with his. Slowly their lips danced.

"And you're mine Lachy." She said against his lips. When he pulled away she took it as an opportunity to bury her face into his neck. "You know I can't wait till she's here so I don't have this huge bump keeping me from you." His hands gently ran along her side before resting along her stomach. "You're going to miss it aren't you?" He chuckled as he shook his head.

"Nope. I can't wait for her to be here Love. That and all I want to do is be able to truly cuddle with you and this.." His hand gently strayed along her skin. "Prevents me from doing just that." Her lips gently met his neck as she felt his nose nuzzle into her hair.

"All I hope is that she's like Birdie and doesn't cry all the time." He chuckled lightly.

"So do I Love." He said softly as his arms wound around her gently. "Love you Bex."

"Love you too Lachy." She said before a yawn slipped from her mouth. As his fingertips began to run along her spine he could feel her entire body relax. It was less than ten minutes before she was asleep her body gently leaning against his. He spoke right before he fell asleep.

"Love you Charlie."

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