Chapter 35

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"Why won't she just come out." Becky pleaded as tears slipped from her eyes. As her eyes met Lachlan's his hand moved to wipe the water from her cheeks.

"Just.." Charlottes words stopped as he knew where they were going. When he shook his head she nodded. "She just wants to make a grand entrance Bex." The redhead glared at her best friend. "Oh calm down Rebecca."

"You don't have a fucking living thing trying to force its way out of your body. Don't.." A scream was released from her lips. It was then that the doctor and a few nurses ran in. Everyone but Lachlan and Becky's mother were escorted out.

"Alright Ms. Lynch I think it's about time you start pushing." Both of the redheads hands were grabbed by the other two as her feet were situated and her gown was lifted. More and more equipment was moved in to the room just as more staff joined. "Next contraction you're going to push." Becky nodded as she tried to prepare herself. Lachlan's lips met her knuckles before her hand crushed his.

"Jesus." He said under his breath as he flinched. Minutes later their daughter came into the world as Lachlan gagged. Slowly as the pain subsided Becky began to laugh seeing his green face. It was when her daughter was set in her arms that the world stopped around the two. Everyone left leaving the pair to bond with the baby. Carefully the redhead moved to create a spot for him next to her.

As he moved into it his arm wrapped around her gently his eyes never leaving the newborn. She leaned into him while his fingertips strayed along the baby's cheeks. Her eyes opened for the first time for them instantly stopping all of their movements.

"Hi Charlie." Becky said quietly as a smile grew along her face. A gummy smile grew across the newborns face. "You wanna hold her Lach?" Before he could even answer Charlie was passed off to her father. His hands and arms quickly moved to support her. It was almost instantly that Becky curled into Lachlan. His lips met the top of her head as her eyes closed.

"I've got her love get some rest." She barely nodded. The lack of sleep over the past two days quickly caught up with her. She was asleep in mere seconds. As if on cue as the others walked in Charlie curled into Lachlan.

"Goddamnit." Charlotte said under her breath knowing nothing would get him to release the newborn now.

"Give her up Lachy." Becky's mother said as she moved closer. As he began to move the newborn she started to fuss. "Fine keep her for now but the second she's ready.." Lachlan nodded.

It was nearly an hour later that Charlie was finally passed off to her grandmother. Slowly the women watched him sink down in the bed. His arms wound around Becky before he fell asleep for the first time in over a day.

"My god she's a blend of them both." The older woman commented as the others flanked her.

"Did the idiot ever mention her name?" Ronda asked before Charlotte just about burst.

"It's Charlie." The three turned towards her.

"God Char you couldn't even let me tell them." Becky grumbled tiredly. The blonde scoffed.

"You told me months ago you're lucky I didn't tell them sooner." The redhead rolled her eyes before her face buried back into Lachlan. It however only lasted for a second as the newborn began to cry. Without any hesitation Becky was given the infant.

Nestled between her parents Charlie just about instantly fell asleep. A yawn slipped from the redheads mouth before she spoke.

"Go home yous. Get some rest. We'll be here." They all nodded before going their respective ways. "Lach." One of his eyes slowly opened. "Turn on your back Love." She slightly moved over as he followed her directions. "You even slightly crush her and I will kill you." He chuckled lightly as Charlie was set on his chest. As she moved closer to him his arm wound around her pulling her into him. Her head rest along his chest as their hands moved to hold the newborn in place. "Lach. Charlie or Charlotte?"

"Charlie, Bex. It fits her more." Becky's eyes scanned the newborns body as she began to move. Her instincts knew exactly what the infant wanted and needed. As she shifted his arm moved behind her back. Her shirt was adjusted before she carefully got the newborn to latch. Lachlan's head moved to the redheads shoulder as his eyes closed.

"I love you Lach." His head turned before his lips connected with hers.

"I love you more Red." She shook her head as her lips connected with the top of his head. "How are you feeling Love?" Her nose nuzzled into his blonde locks.

"I'm hurting but I'm fine. Just glad that she's finally here and I don't have her playing footy with my organs." He lightly laughed before Charlie's eyes locked onto his. "You know she's got your eyes Lach." He nodded before the infant was adjusted and Becky's shirt was moved back into place. It was then that the redhead saw a sight that made it all worth it. Lachlan's lips met the top of Charlie's head forming a rather large smile across the infants face. It was then that the redhead snapped a photo of the sight that was unfolding.

As the newborn was taken by him Becky curled into him. As she showed him the picture the two sunk down into the mattress.

"You gonna post that Bex?" Her eyes met Lachlan's studying him. He was never one to let her take a picture of him let alone post it.

"You don't want to wait until we're out of the hospital?" He shook his head.

"What's the point? They're just going to find out and no matter what we'll have people waiting outside." She nodded as she opened Instagram. The picture was added along with the caption.

@BeckyLynchWWE- Charlie got her wish. Little monster gets to share her birthday with her daddy.

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