Ch. 4

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"His lung partially collapsed." Becky had come to know this doctor throughout Lachlan's treatment. "His body was weakened and any slight pressure couldn't have caused it. It's nothing either of you could have prevented. I spoke with him and we are starting him on some anti nausea medicine to help him with his lack of appetite. You both should be released shortly. Just keep an eye on him and make sure he's eating and gaining weight while he has a chance."

She knew exactly what the doctor was saying. Lachlan's cancer would be back so he needed as much weight he could get on his body before he would eventually get weaker. It was an unfortunate unending cycle for him. Becky was the first released about an hour later. She immediately went to find him.

"You alright lad?" Lachlan nodded at her words before he patted the bed next to him. When she finally sat down after figuring out how to manage her crutches his face buried into her neck. "Don't you ever do that again." She whispered as her nose buried into his hair. When he nodded the door opened and they separated.

He was released within minutes before Lachlan drove them back to their house. He helped Becky once he noticed her struggling with her crutches.

"It's been a 'ell of a few days 'asn't it." He laughed as her words from last night were sill true.

"That it 'as 'asn't it love." He replied as the both collapsed into their large couch. It was thankfully big enough to fit the both of them as they curled together. The second the two dogs pressed against the pairs legs they were asleep.

Their bodies were tangled together when she woke up. His body was covering the majority of hers when he stirred slightly her fingers slowly moved along his scalp. As a sigh was released she could feel his body relax more as he became heavier on top of her. Becky's phone rang her mother's name appearing on her screen.

"Hi Mum." She said quietly as she unsuccessfully tried to wiggle her way out from beneath Lachlan. As the two dove into conversation about everything, he slept atop her unmoving, deep in slumber. "He's just sleeping." She stated before poking his cheek gently trying to wake him up.

"Fuck off." He said before his face buried into Becky's neck. As his arms wound around her she sighed knowing he wasn't moving any time soon. As her and her mother continued to catch up she heard him groan every now and again. More than likely due to her not caring about how loud she was talking. "Who ye talkin' ta?" His normally controlled Irish accent was thick and heavily coating his words.

"Mum." Was all she got out before he nodded and moved to bury his face in her neck. As Becky hung up she began to move beneath him. "Get off of me. I need to use the lou." He grumbled before finally moving his body from hers.

"Oi." She stopped in the doorway to the kitchen turning towards Lachlan. As he approached her his hands moved to her hips gently. When her arms wound around his neck he moved so his lips were brushing hers. "Mornin Love." She couldn't help the smile on her face before she connected their lips. "Happy Birthday." He said softly before she was swept off her feet and placed on the counter.

"Thank You love." She said before she connected their lips. It had been awhile since they had been together on one of their birthdays. When he tried to pull away her good leg kept him in place as her fingers moved to the nape of his neck. As Lachlan's face buried into Becky's neck a smile rose across her lips.

"What do you want for your birthday Becs?" Her lips carefully met his temple. She knew his routine by now, he would always get her something that he had put thought into before he would ask her exactly what she wanted.

"Once I'm better you are taking me to your gym and you're going to help me learn some more judo Before Wrestlemania." When he moved to look at her his eyebrow was raised. The last time he had attempted to teach her anything she walked out in the middle of it. "Just be patient this time." He chuckled lightly before his lips met hers.

"Of course. Just don't leave this time." His kissed her cheek lightly before she shoved his shoulders gently. "And know I'm not taking you anywhere until your knee is one hundred percent fine." She sighed and nodded before his hands gently ran up her sides. "Now let me go so I can cook." It didn't even take a millisecond before he was released from her grasp. There was nothing she missed more about home than his cooking. "Whatcha want Bec?"

"The usual." Lachlan's laugh echoed around the kitchen she never wanted anything else unless they went out. While he began to cook she scooted down the counter before making them coffee. It was almost in unison that she handed him a cup of coffee as she was given a food filled with bacon, sausage, eggs and toast. "You're the best." She said before he chuckled lightly and leaned against the counter opposite of her.

As they ate she slowly scooted closer to him before he finally got the hint and moved next to her. The second he leaned against the counter her head was against his shoulder.

"Thank you." She said softly before he shook his head his lips meeting her forehead.

"There's no need to thank me. I love you more than you'll know so just let me show it."

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