Ch. 8

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"What in the actual fuck is your problem Rebecca?" Lachlan's voice was booming through the house. She knew there was no getting away from this. "Do you not even care about your health!? You realize that you do anything else and the same thing that took me out is going to take you too. I don't fucking care that this expands your character and makes the fans love you more. You need to take five fucking seconds to think about what you're actually doing to yourself." When he paused she thought he was done. Instead he got closer to her his volume unwavering.

"You had a fucking small tear in your ACL. And by now it's probably fucking torn in two. You realize that if it is you're going to need more than two months to recover. You realize that it's going to be more like a year and that's if they even can repair it correctly. We're not in Ireland Rebecca. There's no way you'll have the chance to heal quickly." She stopped him by smacking him hard across the face. She amounted his pain to the pain his words caused her. He took a step forward his eyes burning wholes through her. His words however didn't even pause. "I won't be here the next time this happens. I can't deal with everything that I have to while stopping you from drowning yourself in pity."

Becky however didn't step down. Instead she moved into his face.

"Keep going see where it gets you." She could see his jaw clench. So much so that she thought his teeth were going to shatter.

"Why should I? It's not like you're going to care." He shot back before her fist connected hard with his cheek. All her pent up anger was coming out on him. Just like his was coming out on her. When they were face to face she saw his fist clench. It was in that moment that she was scared. However she knew that this wasn't the point to back down.

"Do it." He took a step forward before he basically walked through her his hand connecting and breaking through the drywall behind her. She stood in awe as he grabbed his keys and walked out the door. As it slammed behind him she sunk down to the floor.

Never before had anything like this happened between the two. Neither liked it and neither knew how to respond or get over it. He drove before winding up outside of his now closed gym. As he walked in all he felt like doing was hitting something.

Lachlan's hands were bloodied by the time he was done hitting the punching bag he had in the corner of his office. Becky heard him walk through the door hours after she had gone to bed or at least tried to. She however couldn't sleep and had been tossing and turning trying to figure out what to do.

He immediately went towards the bedroom. He sunk down into the bed behind her his now bandaged hands wrapping around her. His touch was hesitant, soft and careful. He didn't even know if he should be touching her. His head gently buried into her shoulder his lips brushing her skin.

"I'm sorry." He said in a mere whisper. "I love you Rebecca." He felt her move back into him. "I should have never lost my temper like that especially over something so stupid. I'm so so sorry Becs. I just don't want to see you end your career so soon." As she turned around her hands hesitantly cupped his face. His cheek was bright red and swelling from her earlier actions. As her thumb ghosted along it she could feel him tense.

"I'm sorry love. I never meant for any of this to happen I just don't want to lose either one of you." He knew exactly what she meant, she didn't want to lose him or her career in WWE. "Just please don't leave Lachy." His arms wound around her gently as her face buried into his neck.

"Never love. Just don't punch me again, that fucking hurt." Her lips met his cheek gently.

"Your words hurt too." His nose gently buried into her hair.

"I'm sorry Becs." He stated softly. "I don't know why but I couldn't control what was coming out of my mouth. Its just the last thing that I want to see is for you to fuck your knee up as well." He tore both his ACL and MCL because he took it too far during a tournament four years ago. It ended any chance he had to compete and he hated himself for it.

"I know. I am taking all the time I need off and I promise you one thing." His eyes met hers. "No matter what unless I'm cleared by everyone I will not step inside the ring until by knee is in perfect working order." His lips met her nose gently before she leaned to connect their lips. "I love you Lachy." She stated before her head returned to its previous spot.

"I love you more Becs. I'm sorry for everything." She shook her head.

"Lets just forget about it because I don't think either one of us is proud of our actions." He nodded before he pecked her lips gently. When she heard the crinkle of bandages her eyes met his. "What did you do?"

"I basically destroyed the punching bag in my office at the gym." He always had a temper and they both knew it.

"Well then I guess this is the perfect opportunity to say you're not leaving here until your hands are better." He nodded before they both had a thought.

"Hey Becs. Lets go home." Her eye widened as she had been thinking the exact same thing. "I mean you can get all the help you need for your knee there and we'd have a chance to relax away from all the drama here." He didn't even need to convince her. Becky's head buried back into his neck, her eyes closing as she responded to Lachlan.

"We'll book a flight after Smackdown."

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