They ended their dance as Rob led Liv over to their table so she and Rick could go around to their guests. Rob looked over and saw that Madi's seat was empty, so he went looking for her.

He found Madi at the bar, glass of champagne in her hand. "Hey, there you are." he said as he went to stand next to her, and flagged the bartender down for his own drink, after the last few months he could use one.

"You found me. Should've known this was the first place to look." she joked.

"Come here." Rob said as he pulled her into his chest and held onto her.

"Where were you?" she whispered.

"I got stuck in Thailand, engine issue on the plane. I finally made it to China, then got a connecting flight to LA and finally here this morning. I went to the apartment hoping to catch someone, but everyone was gone, so I took a fast shower, threw on my suit and rushed right over. I'm so sorry." Rob told her.

"What happened to your phone?" Madi asked.

"I was trying to be all cool and artsy taking pictures, and it fell down off a cliff." he chuckled, remembering how dumb he felt afterwards. "I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere again. Not without you." he told her.

As he heard a familiar song play, and saw couples heading out to the dance floor, Rob looked at her, "It's been a good while since we've had a dance. Join me?" he asked holding out his hand to Madi.

"Always." she said as the joined the rest.

'You know I'd fall apart without you. I don't know how you do what you do. Cause everything that don't make sense about me, makes sense when I'm with you. Like everything that's green, girl I need you. And it's more than one and one makes two. Put aside the math and the logic of it, you got to know you're wanted too.'

"Not a day went by that I didn't miss you, need you, want to see and talk to. I almost gave up so many times and just said screw it and came home. Every time I almost quit, I thought about all the times you've never given up. On me or yourself, and I owed this to you, to me, to us to finish and see this project through." Rob confessed to her.

'As good as you make me feel, I want to make you feel better. Better than your fairytales, better than your best dreams, you're more than everything I need. You're all I ever wanted.'

"You deserve the world Madi. You deserve happiness, love and everything else this life has to offer. And if you'll let me, I will spend the rest of my days giving you all of that and more. I told you I would make this up to you when I got home, and I hope you will let me." Rob told her.

'And I just want to wrap you up, want to kiss your lips, I want to make you feel wanted. I want to call you mine, want to hold your hand forever and never let you forget it. Baby I, want to make you feel wanted.'

"I talked to Charles on the way here. I have earned my place to stay home. For good. Anywhere I want to go from now on is completely up to me, and I can bring you if you want to go too. He's sending a new contract over on Monday making it official." Rob finished with a smile

Madi looked at him with surprise, and then he saw a single tear fall from her eye, "Man, when you come home, you really come back swinging with those declarations." she said a bit out of breath. "Makes your welcome home gift I got you, look ridiculous in comparison."

"Well, you know I never say no to gifts from you." Rob said as he leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose, making her laugh. God, he missed that sound.

The song ended, and they announced that the couple was cutting the cake now. "That's my cue. I'll be back as soon as I help cut the cake. Don't move." Madi said with a smile as she led him back to their table.

Once all the cake was served, Rob was looking around for Madi , and then he saw her on stage with Johnny. Rob was glad that she had seemed to overcome her fears, and that Johnny was there to bring out this side of her.

'When your legs don't work like they use to before, and I can't sweep you off of your feet. Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love? Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?"

Olivia and Rick had gone out to the dance floor, followed by the rest of the table. Rob stood up and just watched Madi, never being able to stray too far away from her.

'And darling I will be loving you 'til we're seventy. And baby, my heart can still fall as hard at twenty-three. I'm thinking about how people fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe it's all part of a plan. Me I fall in love with you every single day, and I just want to tell you I am.'

Madi looked right at Rob and he could see her eyes water, as she sang to him every word.


Madi couldn't really make grand speeches like Rob, she wasn't that type of artist, but she used the beautiful song she and Johnny were singing to try and convey to him what he really means to her.

Where she see them going forward. How she doesn't want to spend another day away from him. That she would do anything for him. That he means more to her than she ever thought anyone could. Madi exited the stage and started slowly walking towards Rob she continued to sing.

'Baby now, take me into your loving arms. Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your head on my beating heart. I'm thinking out loud, that maybe we found love right where we are.'

Rob walked towards Madi and met her in the middle of the dance floor and held onto her waist.

Madi just leaned up and kissed him gently when the song ended. "I have something for you." she whispered to him, as she led him outside to the large patio.

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