Chapter 2: Team Sevens Collide

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(SasuNaru-Somewhat of an AU-other couples will be included so please be open-minded)

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto but I do own the rights to my imagination.

The Futures of Our Past by: Naruto7771

3rd Person P.O.V.- Future Konoha-Hokage's Office

Naruto worked diligently on the many documents he had to look over. He hated this part of his job, but he knew with the title came some sort of hardship or sacrifice. Paperwork was, definitely, one of them. Without warning, the hard-working blonde felt a breeze hit him from behind. Before he could turn around, he was caught, his eyes covered up by mysterious hands.

A mouth came close to his ear and as a tongue caressed the shell of his ear all it said was, "I'm back, dobe...for lunch." Sasuke wrapped his arm around Naruto, causing him to drop his pen. "Let me attack you..." Sasuke's foot kicked Naruto's chair back, making it lean as he put his knee on it and slid his hand up Naruto's shirt. Naruto was beet-red. He looked away as Sasuke added, "...with love."

3rd Person P.O.V.- Future Konoha-Hokage Tower

Time Lapse

"Sakura?" A voice called out to the older Sakura in the hokage tower. The entire team seven turned around to see who was calling to her and it was no other than Shikamaru Nara.

"Nice to see you Shikamaru, do you know if he's here?"

Shikamaru had a look of confusion but then once he saw the people Sakura was with he sighed, "How troublesome. Do you know-"

Sakura cut him off, "I'm not sure at all, that's why I've brought them here. I'm hoping he could help with this."

Shikamaru scratched his head, "He should be in his office, but if he isn't then you know where to look."

Sakura walked the group up the stairs, through the hallway, and right to the hokage office's door. A headband hung on the doorknob. She knocked politely but received no reply. Then she pounded on the door, but instead of there no being a reply, moans and pants were heard.

Kakashi eventually caught on to what was going on and said, "I don't think we should-"

However, Sakura cut him off, she was now angry, "Yes we can, he really needs to stop doing this or die of embarrassment getting walked in on."

With one, swift kick she toppled it down, the last scene that was shown was a blonde and a raven frantically making out but, abruptly, the action that had been going on ceased. Naruto was lying, more than half-naked, on his desk while Sasuke was on top of him. There was an awkward silence for quite some time as the younger Team Seven looked at what had become of two for its members. The younger pink-haired girl fainted and the two other juveniles stared at each other in disgust, then back at the other two in the room, and took a large step away from each other.

"Well," The older blonde started, "This isn't weird..." He finished sarcastically and blushed, rose red.

Sasuke decided to ignore the four people that had walked into the room and continue about his business with his blonde lover.

"Hey! Get a room if you're going to do your perversions!" Sakura shouted at the older raven. She quickly got both of the younger boys into her arms and covered their eyes from the scenes they didn't have to know about until they were older.

"Well Sakura," the raven spat at her, "We were just having lunch."

"As if," Sasuke said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms across her chest.

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